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Submit and review Check-ins on the Quantive Results mobile app.
Submit and review Check-ins on the Quantive Results mobile app.

All you need to know about Check-ins and their capabilities within the Quantive Results mobile app.

Written by Sonya Vrabcheva
Updated over a week ago


ℹ️ Check-ins are available on the Scale, Commercial and Enterprise plans only, and view-only users do not have access to Check-ins in any of the plans.

ℹ️ Check-ins should be enabled on the account level and on a team level in order to be visible in a team's profile or in the mobile app Check-ins section.

✏️ You can find more helpful information in the main Check-in feature help article in which the feature specifics have been described in detail. You will also be guided on how to use Check-ins on the Desktop, together with the benefits of using Check-ins in your teams.

Access Check-ins

You can access Check-ins for your teams from the main navigation of the mobile app. Once in the Check-ins section, you will see a list of teams where you're either a member or a manager, and which have the Check-ins configured and enabled. If you belong to teams where Check-ins are not enabled - they will not show up in the list of teams under Check-ins in the mobile app.

You can also use the Global Search in the mobile app to navigate to other teams, where you're not a member or manager, and review their members' check-ins. This enables the transparency and cross-collaboration pillars of the OKR methodology.

Review submitted check-ins

Once you end up needing to review a particular team's check-ins - and you've navigated to the team in the ways described above, the rest is simple. Explore the high-level overview of the team's check-ins or dive into more details of a particular member's check-in, both within a few clicks.

  • green checkmark - indicates that the person has submitted a check-in.

  • grey checkmark - indicates that the person hasn't submitted a check-in.

  • Blockers, Requests, Kudos, Wins, Takeaways - these chips indicate that such a note was added to the submitted check-in.

Most importantly - when you're looking for a quick overview of your team you can filter the team's Check-in screen by who published or not, Blockers, Requests, Wins, Kudos, and Takeaways. The different types of notes will only be available in the filter if someone submits such a note as part of their check-in.

To get into more details, you can easily click on each member and review their individual check-in. This will allow you to review a single check-in - with the person's answers to the questions and notes added to them. The individual Check-in screen can also be filtered by week, using the calendar slider.

Publish a check-in

One way to publish your check-in is to navigate to the specific team and enter the team's Check-ins screen - there you will see a button "Fill out" leading you to the fill-out Check-in experience.

💡 You will always find yourself as the first person on the team's Check-in screen.

But you will also be reminded to fill out your check-ins from the Home.

Or if you've configured your mobile push notifications - you might as well enter the fill-out Check-in experience from there.

If Mood is enabled on the team-level Check-in settings, you can add your mood.

You can fill in answers to the questions, which are set for that team in the Check-in settings.

If Notes are enabled on the team-level Check-in settings, you can add notes to highlight important aspects of your check-in. There are five note categories - Blockers, Requests, Wins, Kudos, Takeaways, and you can add only one note per category.

ℹ️ You can publish a check-in only when you have filled in at least one question or have added at least one note. You cannot publish check-ins only with mood selected.

Once you are happy with the information you have provided, click Publish to publish your check-in and move on to your next task in Quantive Results.

Compare weeks

Similar to filling out your check-ins on a Desktop, you can use the compare weeks functionality on mobile as a reference point to help you craft your check-in narrative. You will see the "compare with last submitted check-in" button while answering questions or adding notes. Once clicked - it will load up your last submitted check-in. The button will be visible only if you have submitted a check-in in the last 5 weeks, excluding the current one.

You will be able to expand the questions and notes filled in the past, copy selections of the text, or copy the whole text from the field. Then you're able to paste and edit it to your preferences in your new check-in.

Edit a check-in

To edit your check-in you need to navigate to the specific team and enter your individual check-in for the given week. You can also use the calendar slider at the top to navigate to the correct week.

ℹ️ You can only edit a check-in for the current and previous cadences.

ℹ️ You cannot delete all answers to all questions and notes, you need to have at least one question or one note filled in to be able to save the edited check-in.

If you haven't filled out a specific question or note during your first iteration, you can do that while editing the check-in.

💡 On the mobile app, there is no need to "Save" your check-in edits. Changes happen on the question/note level and you're allowed to keep or discard them before closing the text editor. The whole check-in is saved automatically after that.

Push notifications

There are three push notification settings related to Check-ins that you can configure on your mobile device.

  • Check-in reminders - a reminder for you to fill out your check-in, it can be set for a particular weekday by the person responsible for managing Check-ins settings(see Manage Check-ins).

  • Check-ins published by teammates - a notification is sent notifying you for team members who have submitted their check-ins.

  • Check-in mentions - a notification is sent when someone mentions you in their check-in.

That's the end of this help article, in case you need further assistance don't hesitate to reach out to us with more questions or support requests via our dedicated support channels.

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