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Use Check-ins to save time in meetings, build accountability and foster great communication within teams.

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a year ago


Check-ins help users stay up to date with the weekly updates in their teams. Team members can complete weekly Check-ins that share recent updates, notable mentions, accomplishments, mood, top priorities, and potential concerns.

Check-ins help with:

  • ✅ Making execution a habit

  • 💬 Sparking collaboration

  • ⏫ Establishing visibility and alignment

  • 🔁 Staying in the loop

  • 🤝 Running better meetings

Enable Check-ins

Admins can enable or disable Check-ins on an account level under Settings > System > Features > Check-ins.

Users with Manage Check-ins permissions can enable or disable Check-ins for specific teams once Check-ins are enabled on the account level (see Manage Check-ins for details).

Access Check-ins

You can access Check-ins:

  1. In the navigation pane, click People > Teams.

  2. Click on a team that has Check-ins enabled. Alternatively, you can access a specific team through the search or anywhere else in Quantive Results where you can open a team's profile from.

  3. Click on the Check-ins tab in the team's profile.

ℹ︎ Check-ins should be enabled on the account level and on a team level in order to be visible in a team's profile.

ℹ︎ Check-ins are available on the Scale and Enterprise plans only, and view-only users do not have access to Check-ins in any of the plans.

Publish a Check-in

To publish a Check-in from a team's profile:

  1. Open the profile of a team you are part of.

  2. Click on the Check-ins tab (NOTE: This tab will not be visible if the feature has been disabled on the account level).

  3. By default, you will see the form to fill in your Check-in expanded under your name. If your name is collapsed, simply click on it to show the form (NOTE: you will always find yourself as the first person in the team members' grid).

  4. If Mood is enabled on a team level, you can select your mood state if you like.

  5. You can fill in answers to the questions, which are set for that team.

  6. If Notes are enabled on a team level, you can add notes if you like. There are five note categories - Blockers, Requests, Wins, Kudos, Takeaways, and you can add only one note per category.

  7. Once you are happy with the information you have provided, click Publish to publish the Check-in (NOTE: the notes you have included in the published Check-in will be accounted for in the Overview section and will become part of the results of the relevant filters there).

ℹ︎ You can publish a Check-in when you have filled in at least one question or have added at least one note.

To publish a Check-in from the Home page:

  1. In the To-do list on the Home page, click Fill out for the team you want to publish a Check-in for.

  2. Fill out the information you want to share (NOTE: it is not possible to publish a Check-in that has only mood selected).

  3. Once you are happy with the information you have provided, click Publish to publish the Check-in (NOTE: the notes you have included in the published Check-in will be accounted for in the Overview section and will become part of the results of the relevant filters there).

ℹ︎ You can publish or edit a Check-in only for the current or previous cadence. Check-ins in other past cadences cannot be edited.

Edit a Check-in

Once you have published a Check-in, you have the option to alter your answers to the questions and to add or remove mood and notes only for the current or previous cadence.

  1. Open the profile of a team you are a part of.

  2. Click on the Check-ins tab.

  3. You can change the cadence in the week picker in the top navigation to find the Check-in you are looking for.

  4. Once you are viewing the Check-in you want to edit, click on Edit and change whatever you want. You will have the option to answer even the questions that you have left empty when you first published the Check-in (NOTE: you cannot delete all answers to all questions, you need to have at least one question or one note filled in to be able to save the edited Check-in).

  5. Once you are happy with the information you have provided, click Save to publish the edited Check-in. If instead, you want to discard your changes, click Cancel.

View team members' Check-ins

To see team members' published Check-ins:

  1. Open the profile of the team you are curious about.

  2. Click on the Check-ins tab.

  3. You will see a grid will all the names of the team members.

  4. You can change the cadence in the controls in the top navigation to find the Check-in you are looking for.

  5. You can quickly tell who has not published a Check-in for that cadence yet by seeing the "No check-in" label next to their name when that member is collapsed (NOTE: you cannot expand a team member if they have not published a Check-in yet because there is no information to show).

  6. Similar labels show next to collapsed members if these members have included a note in their published Check-ins.

  7. To read all the information a team member has published in their Check-in click on the collapsed team member in the grid and the content they have provided will be expanded.

ℹ︎ Check-ins that users post in their teams are visible to everyone in the company.

ℹ︎ Labels within the team members' grid appear only for collapsed members and not when a member is expanded.

Filter Check-ins through the Overview section

The Overview section gives you insights into the number of different types of notes published in that cadence and the number of members who have not posted a Check-in yet for that week.

Apart from that, all these insights are clickable and act as filters for all Check-ins within the relevant week(s).

  • Click on a filter about a certain note category (e.g. "# blockers") to see in the grid only the team members, who have included that note category in their published Check-in for that week. These team members will all be expanded but you will only see the content of that note category and not the whole Check-in.

  • Click "# not published" to see the team members who have not posted a Check-in for that week.

  • Click "All" to exit the filtered view and to go back to the grid that includes all team members and their Check-ins.

ℹ︎ Questions do not appear in the Overview section.

ℹ︎ If Notes are disabled on a team level and if no Check-ins including notes for the specific week were published beforehand, then there will be no option to filter by notes in the Overview section for that week and following weeks as these filters will no longer appear there.


Collapse all/ Expand all

If you want to quickly scan the mood of all team members, what note categories they have published, and whether they have published a Check-in at all, click on the "Collapse all" button. If instead, you want to see the full content of the Check-ins everyone has posted, click "Expand all".

ℹ︎ You can separately expand and collapse team members' Check-ins by clicking on their names.

Week/cadence picker

You can switch the week you are looking at through the week picker. If you have been looking at a past cadence and want to go back to the current one, you will be able to do so using the ">>" button.

ℹ︎ Once you switch the cadence in the week picker, you will see the relevant content that was published for that week in both the Overview section and the team members' grid.

Compare weeks

You can compare two consecutive weeks by clicking "Compare with previous week". The week you were currently viewing will move to the right and the previous week will appear to the left. This way you can easily compare the mood and labels in the collapsed view or the actual content of the Check-ins when team members are expanded.

ℹ︎ The insights in the Overview reflect the number of notes and Check-ins that are not published for both weeks that you are comparing, and the filters show the relevant information from both weeks as well.

ℹ︎ You will see the option to edit a Check-in or the form to publish a Check-in when comparing weeks for the current and previous week only.

Notifications and reminders

Email and In-app reminder to post a Check-in

If Check-in reminders are enabled for a team and you are part of that team, you will receive an email and an in-app notification to fill in your Check-in at 10 am (UTC) on the day specified by someone with Manage Check-ins permissions in Manage Check-ins > Schedule > Day (see Manage Check-ins).

To post a Check-in from:

  • Email reminder

    1. Click on Check-in from your email reminder.

    2. You will be redirected to the Check-ins section for that team for the relevant week and you will see everyone in the grid is collapsed except you. The form to fill in your Check-in will be open (NOTE: if the notification was for a week that is not the current or previous week, then the form will not be available and you will not be able to fill in a Check-in).

    3. Click Publish.

  • In-app reminder:

    1. Click on the notification in the Notifications menu.

    2. Click View Check-in.

    3. Fill in the form and click Save (NOTE: if the notification was for a week that is not the current or previous week, then the form will not be available and you will not be able to fill in a Check-in).

ℹ︎ You can disable in-app and email reminders from Personal notification settings, which can be accessed by clicking on your avatar and then on Manage notifications > Check-ins > Check-ins reminders.

Email and In-app notification of team member's published Check-in

If Check-in reminders are enabled for a team and you are part of that team, every time a team member publishes a Check-in, you will receive an email and an in-app notification of that.

To view your team member's Check-in from:

  • Email notification:

    1. Click on View.

    2. The Check-ins section on the team profile opens and that team member's Check-in for that specific cadence is expanded and all other team members are collapsed.

  • In-app notification:

    1. Click on the notification in the Notifications menu.

    2. Click View Check-in.

    3. The Check-ins section on the team profile opens and that team member's Check-in for that specific cadence is expanded and all other team members are collapsed.

ℹ︎ You can disable in-app and email notifications from other team members from Personal notification settings, which can be accessed by clicking on your avatar and then on Manage notifications > Check-ins > Check-ins published by teammates.

To-do item on the Home page

Whenever you have not yet published a Check-in for the current cadence for a team you are part of, this Check-in will show up as an item in your To-do list on the Home page until you fill it out or until the next cadence begins.

To publish a Check-in from the To-do list:

  1. Click Fill out for the team you want to publish a Check-in for.

  2. Fill in the form that opens in the Check-ins section in that team's profile.

  3. Click Save.

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