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Amazon Redshift

Connect Quantive with your Redshift data warehouse to build insights for use in dynamic key results and automate your OKRs.

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over 9 months ago

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can connect Quantive to your Redshift instance to sync data from the Redshift data warehouse to build Gtmhub Insights for use in dynamic KRs.


Before you connect to Redshift you must make sure of the following:

  1. Your cluster must be publicly accessible.

  2. Create a database user for Quantive with permission to read database schema and data.

  3. If your Redshift Cluster is part of a VPC you must allow inbound traffic to your VPC from the IP address which Quantive uses to handle data syncs. To do so in your AWS Console go to VPC and then to Security Groups. Find the security group to which your Redshift cluster belongs and add the following inbound rule:
    Type: Redshift (5439)
    Protocol: TCP (6)
    Source: In order to find out how to whitelist Quantive data sync IPs , please check out the following article .

How to connect

  • In Quantive, navigate to Settings > Data Sources screen

  • Click the Select data source button

  • From the Choose a connector dialog, select the Databases tab and then Amazon Redshift

  • Fill in the necessary details. To get your instance address you can check the Endpoint value in your Redshift cluster's dashboard. Take everything up to the port value:5439

  • Define who will have access and who will be able to administrate this connection using Data Connection permissions.

  • Select the table you want, Give it a name and choose its sync schedule.

  • Define permission to allow eligible users to be able to access the information.

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