Suggestion Feedback
Written by Sonya Vrabcheva
Updated over a week ago


Are you impressed with our AI suggestions, but wish to customize them to better fit your style or context? You now have the ability to improve them directly (see Improving a Suggestion for more details) or to share feedback about them, which we will take into account both immediately and for future suggestions. Both capabilities of improving suggestions and giving feedback are accessible for any suggestion that has a clickable card. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps of giving feedback on a suggestion.

Enable Platform Intelligence

Platform Intelligence needs to be enabled for the account for this capability to be available. See How to Enable Platform Intelligence for details on how to enable Platform Intelligence (PI).

ℹ︎ Platform Intelligence capabilities are available on the Commercial and Enterprise plans only.

Giving Feedback on a Suggestion

We strive to provide you with the most relevant suggestions, and your feedback is critical to us for improving them. Because of this, we have included a feedback option within the clickable card of each AI suggestion. Sharing your feedback will ensure you get better and more beneficial suggestions for your needs both immediately and in general as well.

To share your feedback on a specific suggestion:

  1. Click on a suggestion card. The card is expanded and a control bar appears, which includes all actions that can be taken for that suggestion.


  2. To provide your feedback for a specific suggestion, use the “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” buttons to the right of the control bar.

    1. If you are satisfied with a certain suggestion and want to ensure that we continue making similar suggestions, click on the “thumbs up” button.

      1. A modal appears with a text box inside. In the text box, you can share what exactly you like so that we can take that into account for future suggestions.

      2. Click on “Submit feedback” to share your feedback. (NOTE: Even if you leave the text box empty and close the modal, we will still receive your feedback.)

    1. If you are not satisfied with the current suggestion, want to ensure you are not receiving similar suggestions in the future, and you immediately get an improved suggestion based on your feedback, click on the “thumbs down” button.

      1. A modal appears with a text box inside. In the text box, you can share what exactly you think we can do better so that we can take that into account for future suggestions.

      2. Click on “Submit feedback”.

      3. Within the modal, you will see three different options from which you can choose:

        1. “Original Suggestion” is the suggestion you gave feedback on.

          1. If you select the original suggestion and click “Submit feedback”, the feedback is submitted and the modal closes.

          2. The original suggestion is kept in the suggestion card and the feedback buttons are no longer available for that suggestion.

        2. “New Suggestion” is a newly generated suggestion we provide based on the feedback you just shared in the previous step.

          1. If you select the new suggestion and click “Submit feedback”, the feedback is submitted and the modal closes.

          2. The original suggestion card is replaced with the new suggestion card. The feedback buttons are no longer available for that suggestion as we have already taken into account that the feedback is positive once the suggestion was accepted.

        3. “Neither Suggestion is good” indicates that you are not satisfied with either of the suggestions.

          1. If you select this option and click “Submit feedback”, the feedback is submitted and the modal closes.

          2. The original suggestion is kept in the suggestion card and the feedback buttons are no longer available for that suggestion.

Even if you leave the text box empty and close the modal or you decide not to choose one of the 3 options and close the modal, we will still receive your feedback.

The Suggestion Feedback capability in Quantive Results can help you refine the suggestions you get to fit your needs and improve your productivity. Try this capability today and see how it can help you achieve your goals faster.

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