Getting started step by step:ย
After you install the Quantive Results app into your workspace, you'll have to do the following steps:
In Quantive Results, navigate to the Settings > Data Sources screen
Click the Add new data source button
From the Choose a connector dialog, select the Operations tab and then Intercom.
After you click on the Intercom tab, please enter a name for the connection, e.g. Intercom - Sales team, or just Intercom.
After you give Quantive Results access to your Intercom data, you will be asked to define permissions who will be able to administrate the connection:
Select which tables of data you want to sync.
Give the table a name and choose its sync frequency:
Define permissions who will able to access and use this information:
Now you are ready to write insights based on the data fetched from Intercom. You can go to the Insights tab and then click on Insightboards. From there, you can create a new board and add Insights. The information is based on already synced Intercom data.
You can find more information on how to create insights in this collection of help desk of articles.
Lastly, you can always check the status of your syncs in the Data sources screen.