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ClickUp Task App

Link ClickUp tasks to Quantive Results Objectives and Key Results

Boyan Barnev avatar
Written by Boyan Barnev
Updated over a year ago


ClickUp is a project management and productivity tool teams use to manage their tasks, documents, and communication. With the ClickUp app, you can easily link your organization's ClickUp tasks to Objectives and Key Results in Quantive Results.

Installing the ClickUp app

To install the ClickUp app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Quantive Marketplace through the button in the left navigation:

  2. Click on "Apps" in the navigation, find the ClickUp app, and click on it.

  3. Click on the "Install" button.

  4. A modal shows. Click on "Confirm" to install the app.

  5. A success message shows once you have installed the app. To configure it click on the "Connect app" button, which will redirect you back to your Quantive Results account.

Configuring the ClickUp app

To configure the ClickUp app once you have installed it from the Quantive Marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Installed apps" page in Quantive Results from Settings > Installed Apps. This page will automatically be opened if you has clicked on the "Connect app" button when installing the app in the Marketplace.

  2. Click on "ClickUp".

  3. In the "Token" field paste the token you copied from ClickUp.

  4. If you want to be able to connect tasks from ClickUp and show the statuses they have without mapping these statuses to groups, click on "Save" and your ClickUp app will be configured.

  5. If you want to connect ClickUp tasks to Quantive Results but do not want to show each ClickUp status and instead want to group ClickUp statuses into custom group statuses, you need to configure the status mapping in the "Status mapping" section of the page.

  6. To create a custom status and map ClickUp statuses to it, click on "+ Create group".

  7. Type the name of the status group under "Group status" and select the color that you want the group status to show in Quantive Results. Finally, fill in the Click Up statuses in the "ClickUp statuses" field. If a ClickUp task is linked to Quantive Results and its status has been mapped to a group status, then the status users will see in Quantive Results is the group status to which the task status matches.

  8. To create a new group status, click on "+ Add group" and another line with the same three fields appears.

  9. Once you have created all group statuses that you want and have mapped the ClickUp statuses to them, click on "Save" to configure the app.

ℹ️ You can create a maximum of 15 group statuses with up to 150 ClickUp statuses mapped to each.

ℹ️ Personal token access and permission restrictions apply. Tasks in ClickUp that are inaccessible to the person who configured the integration can’t be linked in Quantive Results. If access to already linked tasks is revoked, these tasks will be automatically removed from the Objective and Key Result side panel views.

Linking a ClickUp task in Quantive Results

ClickUp tasks can be linked to both Objectives and Key Results. To link a task:

  1. Open an Objective/KR to which you want to link the task.

  2. Scroll down to the ClickUp section.

  3. Click "+ Link a task" and an input field will appear.

  4. Paste the ID of the ClickUp task in the field. If the ID is valid, a dropdown menu will appear with the title of the task, its status in ClickUp, and its owners.

  5. If you are sure this is the task you want to link, click on the item in the dropdown menu.

  6. The task is now linked and is shown as a separate row on top of the rest of the linked tasks if any. The status of the newly linked task is shown as the group status set when configuring the app if it was mapped to one, otherwise, the status from ClickUp is shown.

ℹ️ If a ClickUp status has not been mapped to a group status in Quantive Results, the status will show as is in ClickUp.

Unlinking a ClickUp task in Quantive Results

To unlink a task:

  1. Open the Objective/KR to which the task is linked.

  2. Scroll down to the ClickUp section.

  3. Click on the ellipsis menu on the far right of the line of the task you want to unlink.

  4. Click on "Unlink task" and the task will automatically disappear from the ClickUp section under that Objective/KR.

Viewing linked ClickUp tasks in Quantive Results

To view linked ClickUp tasks in Quantive Results:

  1. Open an Objective/KR for which you want to view the linked ClickUp tasks.

  2. Scroll down to the ClickUp section.

  3. If there are any linked ClickUp tasks, they will appear under the ClickUp section. If more than 7 ClickUp tasks have been linked to an O/KR, pagination will appear and a maximum of 7 tasks show on each page.

  4. You can view the name, status, and owners of each linked task. If a ClickUp status has not been mapped to a group status in Quantive Results, the status will show as is in ClickUp.

  5. Click on the linked task's name if you want to see further details on the task. A separate tab will open with the task details in ClickUp.

  6. Copy a linked task's id by clicking on the ellipsis menu on the far right of the line for that task and click "Copy task ID". The task ID from ClickUp will be automatically copied.

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