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Aligning OKRs

Find the right OKRs to align to faster and more efficiently

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a year ago

Good alignment is crucial for organizations implementing OKRs for the below reasons:

  • Connect every team and individual's objectives with the overall company strategy

  • When OKRs of all teams are aligned and made visible to everyone, each member is aware of what others are working on and how their contribution impacts the overall company goals

  • With good alignment, teams can cooperate better because they understand how their goals connect with others

  • When OKRs are aligned, there is shared responsibility towards achieving organizational goals

  • When people know how their objectives fit into the grand scheme of things, they can better prioritize their tasks and manage their time

Aligning OKRs in Quative Results


Users should have the 'Manage OKRs' permission and should be able to create and edit OKRs.

How to

In Quantive Results users can align OKRs upon creating and editing them. The field for an OKR to align to is called 'Parent'.

Creating an OKR

  1. Click on the 'Create OKR' button and select 'Create OKR - Add your OKRs directly'.

2. In order to align either click on the Parent field or click on advanced search (enterprise plan only)

  • Finding an OKR by its name/relevant suggestions - By clicking on alignment field you'll get a list of suggested OKRs. The suggested OKRs are based on what your team members and teams above you are working on in the current timeframe. If you don't see a relevant OKR in the suggestions type a keyword to find the right OKR.

  • (Enterprise plan only) Finding an OKR by drilling down/getting specific hierarchy suggestions - If you don't know the name of the specific OKR you'd like to align to, you can use the advanced search option to drill down further and get more suggestions.

    1. Navigate to advanced search

      2. Select from the suggestions in the categories 'Team OKRs', 'Parent team OKRs', 'Top-level OKRs' or use the filtering options to find the right OKR

      Aligning an OKR after creating it or editing the alignment

    Alignment of the OKR can be added after creating an OKR unless the session's status is changed to 'In progress' and users can no longer edit OKRs.

    1. Navigate to an OKR and click on it

    2. From the side panel do changes to the parent field by typing the name of the OKR or using the advanced search (enterprise plan only).

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