OKR views

Create, share and favourite a filtered set of OKR that you can easily access any time when browsing Quantive Results

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago


The plan of the account is Enterprise.

Users have the Admin or User role assigned (or 'Manage OKRs' global permission enabled if the role is custom).

Users with assigned 'View-only' role can access OKR views shared with them but can't create/edit OKR views.

Create, share, edit, and delete OKR views

  1. Navigate to a session (list of OKRs or Alignment view) and apply filters

2. Click on the button 'Save as OKR view' or use the quick copy icon to share a link to the OKRs with another user without saving it

3. When you click on 'Save as an OKR view' a pop-up appears where you can add the name of the OKR view

4. After creating the OKR view you can share it with other users in your organization using the sharing menu options

5. When an OKR view is shared using the 'Invited only' option the invited users will be notified with an email and in-app notification unless they have disabled the sharing notifications

6. You can also favorite the view, clone it, export the OKRs to Excel or delete it

7. After applying additional filters to the view you can select to save the changes to the current view or save them as a new OKR view

Accessing all OKR views

  1. To access all OKR views click on the OKRs menu in the left navigation and then the 'OKR views' secondary section

  2. In the table, you'll see all OKR views created by you or shared with you

3. You can use filters/sorting to easily find OKR views

4. You can also find OKR views using the global search

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