Engagement index
Written by Sonya Vrabcheva
Updated over a week ago


The success of any company's OKR implementation depends greatly on the level of engagement of its users.

To ensure that employees are actively participating and contributing towards the company's Objectives, Singularity has developed an Engagement Index that measures user engagement on a scale of 0 to 100.

By monitoring and improving this score, companies can increase their chances of a successful OKR deployment.

Contributing factors

The Engagement Index is calculated by considering several factors contributing to user engagement. Each factor is measured on a scale of 0 to 100 and has a different weight on the overall engagement score.

  • Sign-ins

    The Sign-ins factor score is based on the monthly number of users logging in to Quantive Results. This factor carries a high weight in the overall engagement calculation, as consistent and frequent sign-ins indicate that users are actively engaged with the platform and their company's Objectives. Companies can improve their Sign-in factor score by encouraging employees to log in regularly.

  • Reactions and Comments

    The Reactions factor score is based on the percentage of people who comment, react, or otherwise engage with OKRs. This factor also carries a high weight in the overall engagement calculation, as user engagement with their team's and personal OKRs is critical to successful OKR implementation. To improve the Reactions factor score, companies can encourage users to engage with OKRs by promoting transparency, encouraging discussion, and creating a culture of collaboration.

  • Open Notifications

    The Open Notifications factor score is based on the number of notifications opened. This factor carries a lower weight in the overall engagement calculation, but it is still an important metric for ensuring that users are aware of updates and changes that happen in Quantive Result. To improve the Open Notifications factor score, companies can emphasize the importance of staying updated on team progress and ensure that notifications are set up correctly according to the users' needs.

  • KPI Participation

    The KPIs factor score is based on the percentage of users who create, own, and update KPIs. Like the Open Notifications factor, this factor carries a lower weight in the overall engagement calculation. However, it is still an important metric for ensuring that users are actively engaged with their company's and team's KPIs. Companies can improve the KPI Participation factor score by encouraging users to take ownership of KPIs and providing resources for KPI tracking.


Overall, companies should aim for a score of 100 on each contributing factor to improve their Engagement Index score. By regularly monitoring and improving the Engagement Index, organizations can increase user engagement with their OKR implementation and improve the chances of successful deployment and execution.


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