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How the Quantive Team Benefits from Check-ins
How the Quantive Team Benefits from Check-ins

Examples of how different teams at Quantive use Check-ins and the ways they benefit from them.

Written by Sonya Vrabcheva
Updated over a week ago


Check-ins are collaborative self-reporting tool designed to encourage team members to share progress updates, mood, blockers, and takeaways. They foster empathy, team understanding, and collaboration. In this blog post, we will explore how different teams at Quantive utilize Check-ins, showcasing the improvements they have experienced after adopting this feature.

Team 1: Leadership Team

Prior to Check-ins

The Quantive Leadership Team used to conduct bi-weekly meetings to review annual and quarterly OKRs, as well as a range of important KPIs. This process involved reviewing a group of 20 KPIs one by one, discussing any changes or unexpected behaviors. They also reviewed an Insightboard displaying progress on OKRs for the entire organization.

Challenges faced

Harry Siggins, Chief of Staff at Quantive, found these meetings to be time-consuming and challenging to manage bi-weekly while capturing enough information to stay on track.

After adopting Check-ins

Check-ins have revolutionized how the Leadership Team conducts their meetings. Instead of reviewing each KPIs and OKRs during the call, team leaders now review them ahead of time and post any questions they have in their Check-ins. This creates a central repository of questions and answers, allowing for more efficient meetings. Even when a team member is out of the office, they can quickly catch up by reviewing the Check-ins.

Additionally, the team now utilizes Quantive Singularity, an AI-powered business intelligence tool that provides a clearer historical lookback on progress, forecasting capabilities, and root cause analysis of KPI progress.

Benefits of Check-ins for the Leadership Team

  1. More efficient meetings: Reviewing KPIs and OKRs ahead of time and centralizing questions and answers streamline meetings.

  2. Increased transparency: Check-ins promote transparency within the team and ensure all questions are answered and each KPI and OKR can be reviewed given the time-constraints.

  3. Centralized information: Storing progress updates within the Quantive Results platform makes it easier to catch up on missed meetings and eliminates the need to switch between various tools.

Team 2: Product Marketing Team

Prior to Check-ins

The Product Marketing Team at Quantive used to hold weekly meetings where each member discussed their achievements from the previous week and their focus for the week ahead. These meetings lacked structure and focused primarily on day-to-day tasks.

Challenges faced

The meetings were time-consuming, lasting around 45 minutes, and lacked clear objectives.

After adopting Check-ins

With the introduction of Check-ins, the Monday team meetings have become more efficient, lasting less than 30 minutes. Conversations have become more structured and goal-oriented. Instead of reporting achievements from the previous week, team members can read them in the Check-ins, shifting the focus to the week ahead, progress towards OKRs, assistance needed, and relevant updates from other areas of the business.

Benefits of Check-ins for the Product Marketing Team

  1. More efficient meetings: Check-ins reduced meeting time by a third.

  2. Structured conversations: Check-ins facilitated goal-oriented discussions.

  3. Increased accountability: Check-ins hold team members accountable for their commitments.

Team 3: Product Design Team

Prior to Check-ins

The Product Design Team at Quantive supports Product Teams in delivering an industry-leading user experience. Due to the team's structure, with team members supporting other teams across the organization, regular meetings and staying aligned with each other were crucial.

Challenges faced

Planning and maintaining alignment within a fractured team was challenging.

After adopting Check-ins

The Product Design Team began using Check-ins for their Monday planning meetings shortly after the feature's launch. While progress tracking was already covered by JIRA, Check-ins became a valuable tool for planning and ensuring focus within the team. As such, the team fills out Check-ins for the week ahead and primarily focuses on answering the "What is your focus for this week?" question and reporting any blockers they may encounter.

Benefits of Check-ins for the Product Design Team

  1. Increased alignment between team members: Check-ins provide a regular sync and a place for discussing priorities of the upcoming week

  2. Increased transparency: Check-ins promote transparency within the team

  3. Increased focus: Check-ins increase focus within the team by giving everyone a clear set of tasks and objectives for the week ahead.

By adopting Check-ins, teams at Quantive have experienced improved collaboration, streamlined meetings, and increased accountability. Discover how Check-ins can benefit your team and help to drive adoption of OKRs within your organization.

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