View Suggested Title
Platform Intelligence must be enabled for the account for this capability to be available. See How to Enable Platform Intelligence for details on enabling Platform Intelligence (PI).
To view suggestions for a title while creating an Objective:
Open the Create Objective form from anywhere within Quantive Results (e.g. "Create OKR" button in the top navigation, "Add Child Objective" button from the alignment view, etc.).
Click on the Suggestions button in the top right corner of the form to open the Suggestions side panel.
Click on the All Suggestions tab in the side panel.
There, you see the title suggestion if available, and you can request a new one or accept it.
Accept Suggested Title
To accept a title suggestion:
Hover over the suggestion.
Click on the "Add this Suggestion" button. Then, the suggestion is automatically filled in in the "Title" field within the form, and you can edit it if you need to.
Suggest Another Title
If you don't like the suggested title, you can refresh it:
Hover over the suggestion.
Click on the "Suggest Another" button, and a new one will replace the suggestion.