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Example: Custom fields of OKRs

Learn some useful ideas for creating custom fields for Objectives, Key Results, and Key Result updates

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago


This article contains some examples of custom fields that you can create for Objectives, Key Results, and Key Result updates.

You can add as many custom fields to a type, as required.

Objectives custom fields

The following are examples of custom fields that you can define for objectives:

  • Risks
    Define risks that you may face on the way to attaining your objective

  • Execution notes
    Simple notes which explain how you plan to achieve the objective

  • Strategic initiative
    Key cross-company initiatives which tie to the objective

  • Opportunity cost
    What other activities are you sacrificing in order to do this one

EXAMPLE: Following is an example of an Objective custom field Risks:

  • Label: Risks

  • Apply to: Objectives

  • Type: Text area

  • Make field required: Deselected

  • Description: Risks which we may face on the way of attaining objectives

  • Tooltip: What may prevent us from achieving this objective?

  • Session(s): All Sessions

Key results custom fields

The following are examples of custom fields that you can define for key results:

  • Shared responsibility
    Identify teams or individuals that share the responsibility for a key result

  • Mitigation
    Describe what you will do to mitigate risks while pursuing progress

EXAMPLE: The following is an example of a Key Result custom field called Shared responsibility:

  • Label: Shared responsibility

  • Apply to: Key Result

  • Type: User/Team selector

  • What types of owners can be selected?: Both

  • Required: Deselected

  • Description: Identify teams or individuals that share the responsibility for a key result

  • Tooltip: Who will share the responsibility for this key result?

  • Session(s): All Sessions

Key result updates custom fields

The following are examples of custom fields that you can define for Key Result updates:

  • Priorities for the week
    A list of the most important things you plan to do to achieve your OKR

  • Upcoming projects
    A list of projects coming up in the next 4 weeks

  • Health
    Key things you want to keep your eyes on, such as team health and key customer relationships.

  • Score
    Evaluation of Key Results at the mid-term and the end of an OKR session.

EXAMPLE: Following is an example of the Key Result update custom fields Vision, Strategy and Business Unit of text type:

NOTE: Andy Grove’s method of grading OKRs is a Yes or No approach. You either delivered or failed to deliver. A more advanced method is to score each Key Result on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, where:

  • 0.0 - 0.3 is a failure to make progress

  • 0.4-0.6 means some progress was made but, you did not quite make it

  • 0.7-1.0 means you succeeded

Re-ordering custom fields

Note: as of August 2022 it's possible for Admins to re-order the custom fields for Objectives and Key Results. To do that, in Gtmhub navigate to 'Settings', then 'Custom fields', and then press 'Manage order' in the top bar.

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