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Define key results

Learn how to manually create key results of numeric and Boolean type

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago


Quantive Results supports two types of key results (KRs) that you can add to your objectives:

  • Manual key results
    Manual key results need to be updated manually by the objective owner or owners.
    For more information, see Update Key results.

  • Dynamic key results
    Dynamic key results are updated automatically from 3rd party business systems such as CRMs or databases.
    For more information, see Create dynamic Key results.

Create key results manually

To define a KR, perform the following:

  • Create a new objective or open an existing one.
    For more information, see Create Objectives.

  • Under Key results, click + Add a key result.
    The Create manual key result screen appears.

  • Enter a title

  • In Key result type, choose the type of key result.

  • The Key Result type is needed to determine how progress is measured.

  • Users can select the type that best suits their key result.

  • The 'should stay above/below' types allow you to include an additional critical target. For example: ' Maintain more than 50,000 subscribers' is a 'should stay above' type.

  • There are two types of manual key results that can be defined:

    For example, if you want to increase number of leads from 50 to 100, you choose a numeric KR.

    Boolean (yes/no).
    If your key result is, for example, Launch new marketing campaign, you choose a Boolean KR.

Follow one of the procedures below.

Add a numeric key result

Perform the following:

  1. In Title, enter a title for your KR.
    It should be a quantitative statement of a measurable result.

  2. In the Key result type dropdown, select one of the following:
    should increase to, should decrease to, should stay above, should stay below, achieved or not.

  3. In the Unit dropdown, assign or customize a specific unit to your key result.
    For example, if your KR is related to collecting money, then the unit should be a specific currency. For example, $.

  4. In Target number, enter the number that you are aiming to achieve.

  5. In Initial number, enter the starting number from which your KR will be measured.
    You can enter a number greater than 0.
    For example, if you want to increase the number of leads from 50 to 100, you should set the initial value to 50.

  6. In Description, you can provide a more detailed description of the KR.

  7. In Owner, you can assign a team, teams, employee or employees who are different to the owner of the objective.
    For more information, see Key result owner section below.

  8. In Deadline, you can set a deadline.
    The deadline can be soft or hard, or both. You do this, if you must hit the target before the session’s end date.
    For more information, see Key result deadlines section below.

  9. To create the key result, click Create key result.

Add a Boolean key result

Perform the following:

  1. In Title, enter a title for your KR.
    You can formulate it as a yes/no question, because the KR is a Boolean one.

  2. In the Key result type dropdown box, select Achieved or not.

  3. In Description, you can provide a more detailed description of the KR.

  4. In Owner, you can assign a team, teams, employee or employees who are different to the owner of the objective.
    For more information, see Key result owner section below.

  5. In Deadline, you can set a deadline.
    The deadline can be soft or hard, or both. You do this, if you must hit the target before the session’s end date.
    For more information, see Key result deadlines section below.

  6. To create the key result, click Create key result.

Key results deadlines

Key results have the same deadline as the OKR session. However, you can modify these to be shorter by using soft and hard deadlines.

For more information, see Key result deadlines.

Key results owners

You can assign key results to an employee or team different to the objective’s owner. This can be an individual, team or multiples of each.

For example, you can benefit from this option when there is an objective assigned to a team, but you want to assign its key results to a particular team member.

Another example is to assign key results to different teams in an objective owned by the company.

Next steps

After you have manually set the KRs to your objectives, you can proceed to updating the key results and tracking your progress.

For more information, see Update Key results.

Change the order of key results

To change the order of key results navigate to an objective and drag & drop the key results.

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