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JIRA + Quantive: Where Agile meets OKRs
JIRA + Quantive: Where Agile meets OKRs

Discover how JIRA and Quantive Results can work together.

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a year ago

Many of the Quantive Results users are developers. Often, when just starting out with OKRs, teams wonder how OKRs work with agile.

Here is the way we think about it:

  • Objective : What we want to achieve?

  • Key results : How are we going to measure success?

  • Tasks : What are we going to do about it?

A Task is not a Key Result

Fixing a bug or implementing a feature should never be a goal in itself: therefore, “Implementing feature X” is not a good Objective, nor is it a good Key Result.

Ultimately, we always start with an Objective – albeit it is sometimes implicit.

Next, we want to come up with several Key Results that will allow us to measure our progress.

Finally, we start defining Tasks that will help us achieve our objective.

To illustrate this point, let us examine a real-world example.

  • Objective (what we want to achieve): Increase user engagement

  • Key results (how are we going to measure success) :

    • Average user logs in 6 times a week

    • Average user writes 2 comments a month

    • Average user likes 1 item a month

  • Tasks (what are we going to do about it):

    • Send a weekly summary email to every user

    • Implement push notifications when someone comments on a user’s item

    • Implement push notifications when someone likes a user’s item

    • Send a “check-in” email when a user does not log in for 7 days

To enable this natural flow, we have released a native JIRA app and revamped our objectives UX.

Work with OKRs directly from JIRA

No one likes switching contexts. To that end, we have released a native JIRA app, which allows you to associate epics, stories, tasks, and bugs to any OKRs in Quantive Results from within JIRA.

All of the JIRA items are automatically synced to Quantive Results, so your colleagues – including those less technically inclined – can see all the effort taking place for any given objective.

Quantive rethinks OKRs

When done right – OKRs are incredibly powerful.

The problem, however, is that getting OKRs right is not exactly simple; especially when there are dozens or even hundreds of people involved. This is one of the strengths of Quantive Results – especially when compared to spreadsheets: we remove the “OKRs bureaucracy” out of your way, so you can focus on achieving objectives.

The objective screens in Quantive Results follow this simple paradigm:

  • Objective

  • Key results

  • Tasks

Install the JIRA app for free

We are now making the JIRA app publicly available, free of charge, to all

Quantive Results users.

For more details on how to connect the JIRA app, see on of the following articles depending on which JIRA version you use - Quantive App for Jira Cloud or Quantive App for Jira Server.

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