Which Quantive plans have access to Apps?
Data apps (like Integrations) are available on our Enterprise plans. UI apps are available for all Quantive plans. After clicking on an app in the App Marketplace, you can look at the top right-hand corner for a green "compatible" checkmark to confirm that the app is compatible with your Quantive Results plan.
What is the difference between data and UI Apps?
Data apps allow contributors to create more connectors to automate Key Results and create dashboards and charts. Data apps are tagged with "data source" or "connection" when you are browsing the App Marketplace. UI apps allow contributors to visualize content from a 3rd party system within Quantive Results. For example, you could attach a Miro board to an Objective and then be able to scroll the Miro board from within Quantive Results.
What is the difference between Integrations and Apps?β
Integrations and apps work very similarly within Quantive Results. Our Integrations, also called 'connectors', sync data from third-party systems to Quantive Results and provide the ability to automate Key Results and create dashboards and charts. Our apps allow you to create even more connectors, which are called data apps. Once installed they become part of the out-of-the-box integrations.
Where can I send my developer for building an App?
We have a collection of help articles on how to build and publish an app. They can also find all of the documentation and instructions needed for building an app in our Quantive Results Developers portal.
What permissions would a user need?
To manage apps users would need the "Manage Applications" and "Manage setup" user role permissions.
Have additional questions?
Browse more help articles and videos on the Quantive App Marketplace or reach out to our team with any questions.