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Automatic user and team provisioning and org chart synchronization

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago

This article will help you to provision thousands of users from Workday directly into Quantive Results, to create their Quantive Results teams (Workday organizations), and to automatically synchronize your organizational chart through Workday.

No more manual upload, no more manual deregistering or removing permissions: say hello to automated restructuring.

To establish the connection, you first need to follow the instructions below in Workday and then return to Quantive Results to complete the 5-step workflow.

Quantive Results will be using Get Workers and Get Organizations which can be found in the Human Resources and Staffing WSDL.

In Workday

Note: In Workday, the user performing these configuration steps will need the required permissions to complete them. This would typically be a Security Administrator role or equivalent.

Create Quantive Results User in Workday

· Search for the task Create Integration System User.

· Choose a username, such as Gtmhub_User. Configure a strong password and check the Do Not Allow UI Sessions checkbox. Click OK to continue.

· Optional: To exclude the newly created user from Workday configured password expiration rules, search for the task Maintain Password Rules. Add the user to the System Users exempt from password expiration list.

Assign Permissions to Quantive Results Workday User

· Search for the task Create Security Group.

· Choose Integration System Security Group (Unconstrained) as the Type of Tenanted Security Group. Enter a name representative of the Quantive Results integration, such as ISSG_Gtmhub, into the Name field and click OK.

· On the next screen, add the Gtmhub_User created earlier to the Integration System Users list and click OK.

· Once the security group is created, search for the task View Security Group and select the newly created security group.

· Use the related action (red arrow) to expand the action menu and select Security Group > Maintain Domain Permissions for Security Group (green arrow).

· Add the following domains to the Domain Security Policies permitting Get access list under the Integration Permissions header:

o Worker Data: Public Worker Reports

o Manage: Organization Integration

o Worker Data: Current Staffing Information

· Click OK.

· Search for the task Activate Pending Security Policy Changes. Enter a relevant comment and click OK.

· Review the security domain changes, select the Confirm checkbox and click OK.

In Quantive Results

Click on the Settings cog and click the Workday button to begin connecting.

You'll need to insert your credentials.

The connection name is for your convenience only. E.g. You can give it name: Your company name Workday-Quantive Results integration.

Once you click Connect Workday, the system will capture the relevant data points needed for provisioning. You'll be able to find them under Settings -> Data sources > Workday. This might take up to 1 hour.

Once the data sync is done, you'll be able to create a Selection of the (group of) users that you want to provision.

There are two criteria you can leverage to select users: their Organizations and/or their Job levels.

Note: you can create more than one Selection. For example, you might start with provisioning just the Executive team (Selection 1), and then provision the Senior Management team (Selection 2). Lastly, you might want to provision all personnel (Selection 3).

Creating multiple Selections lets you manage provisioning more easily with clear expectations of how many users you're onboarding at each stage.

Pro tip: It's best practice to first provision a small subset of your users to test the connection.

Once you're done with the criteria, you'll need to Map (or choose not to) any existing Quantive Results users or teams you have in the account to Workday workers or organizations.

This step ensures Quantive Results accurately matched all existing users based on their email and existing teams and organizations based on their name.

Please note that the initial load might take up to a couple of minutes.

Once you're done with this step, you can proceed to Run your first provisioning.

Based on your settings, on the next scheduled provisioning, the system will invite any new colleagues that fall in your selection and assign them to or create their teams as well as deactivate any terminated employees.

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