Gtmhub reporting comes with a great deal of flexibility. In this article lets review several examples of additional layer of personalization you can bring to your Gtmhub reporting.
Confidence level is somewhat subjective, but is an integral part of the OKR process and helps you better asses how likely you are to achieve your key results in the respective time frame.
Normally at the beginning of your OKR journey you would set the confidence scale to '0 to 1' or '0 to 10' and configure the default confidence label format that resonates best with your organization's spirit.
Use case
In some cases, however, you might need an additional layer of grouping over the default set of labels to exist just for one particular report. You wouldn't want to change the default confidence structure and would want to create an ad-hoc grouping based on confidence level.
Lets review the following case:
βwe want to have a clear indicator of key results where the confidence level indicates that the KR is likely to be achieved and not achieved. Just two statuses.
Now lets assume the default confidence scale is set from 0 to 10.
Lets also assume there are 5 default confidence labels set:
"Very low" (0 to 1);
"Low" (2 to 4);
"Middle" (5 to 7);
"High" (8);
"Very high" (9 to 10)
Now lets take for example the Key Results Progress List insight that you can download from Gtmhub Marketplace here.
The original insight contains Confidence column which displays the current confidence level of a particular KR:
Best way to create an ad-hoc status without changing the default structure of confidence levels would be through manipulating the SQL data. In our use case we want an additional column showing us the Likely to be achieved / Unlikely to be achieved segmentation.
If we assume that the Likely to be achieved status should encompass "High" and "Very high" confidence levels, while the remaining "Very low", "Low" and "Middle" should be considered as Unlikely to be achieved, the following additional category can be created in the SQL editor and added to the SELECT statement:
WHEN confidence_value < .8 THEN 'No'
WHEN confidence_value >= .8 THEN 'Yes'
ELSE 'Undefined'
END as confidence_category
FROM ...
Your next step would be adjusting the visualization in the HTML Editor to show the additional column and format it's visualization (if necessary).
First lets add additional column right after the Confidence column:
<th class="centered clickable" ng-click="orderKey = 'confidence_value'; reverse = !reverse;" >Likely to be achieved?</th>
Then lets set the contents of the column and tie our visualization with the new category we created in the SQL:
<td class = "centered">{{kr.confidence_category}}</td>
Once the SQL and visualization components have been adjusted and saved we should be able to see the new column as part of the report showing us additional context as per how sure is the KR owner regarding achieving their OKR, based on the confidence level they've selected.