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How to find Jira items linked to Quantive OKRs using JQL
How to find Jira items linked to Quantive OKRs using JQL

Query your Jira projects to find out which items you have linked to Quantive using the Jira plugin

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over 11 months ago

*Note - When Gtmhub is referred to in the queries below, it is referencing our old company name. For JIRA Purposes Gtmhub should still be used in JQL queries.

The Quantive Jira plugin integration for Jira Cloud and Jira Server / DC enables you to link Jira items to your Quantive OKRs by creating a corresponding Task in Quantive. When in Quantive, you can see which Jira items support your OKR, and see their current status. When in Jira, you can see which OKRs this item is linked to.

Sometimes you may want to pull a report of all Jira items that have been linked to Quantive OKRs via our plugin. In this article, you'll find some more context and sample JQL statements helping you achieve that.

JQL for Jira Server

When you add the Quantive plugin to a Jira Server instance, we add a custom field called GtmhubObjectID. This field holds the information for the link between the Jira item and Quantive item. If you want to query Jira items that have been linked, you must use the following JQL:

GtmhubObjectID is not EMPTY

This will pull all Jira items that have a link to a Quantive OKR. You may want to narrow down the JQL filter further depending on your use case (E.g. by Project, Epic, and so on)

*Note - if your search is returning empty, you will need to do a reindex

JQL for Jira Cloud

When you add the Quantive plugin to a Jira Cloud instance, we add a new issue property. This property holds the following keys:

  • goalName (the name of the Quantive Objective)

  • goalId (the Id of the Quantive Objective)

  • goalOwnerName (the name of the Objective owner)

  • goalOwnerType (is it a team or a user)

All of the above are searchable keys, exposed as โ€˜textโ€™ type in Jira. You can use the in a JQL statement like this:

1. To get all Jira issues liked to a Quantive Objective, you can use:[gtmhub].goalName is not null

or[gtmhub].goalId is not null

2. To get all Jira issue linked to a Gtmhub Objective called "Grow the business" use:[gtmhub].goalName ~ 'Grow the business'

or you can use wildcards, too[gtmhub].goalName ~ 'Grow*'

3. To get all Jira issue linked to a Quantive Objectives owned by John Smith use:[gtmhub].goalOwnerName ~ 'John Smith'

or the ones assigned to the Engineering team in Quantive.[gtmhub].goalOwnerName ~ 'Engineering'

4. To get all Jira issues linked to Quantive Objective that are owned by a team, and not by individual user use:[gtmhub].goalOwnerType ~ 'team'

and, correspondingly, to get the ones like dot a Quantive OKR assigned to a user:[gtmhub].goalOwnerType ~ 'user'

5. To get all Jira issues liked to a Quantive Key Result, you can use:[gtmhub].metricName is not null

6. To get all Jira issue linked to a Quantive Key Result called "Growth 100%" use:
โ€‹[gtmhub].metricName ~ 'Growth 100%'
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