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All CollectionsUser Guide: OKRsReports
Use Reports (formerly Lists)
Use Reports (formerly Lists)

Learn how to create custom reports to filter specific objectives, key results, and tasks

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over 2 years ago


You can use Reports (formerly Lists) to build a custom report of items and share it with others. You can easily prepare reports or show specific information on your OKR review meeting.

You can create lists of objectives, key results, tasks, employees, and teams.

EXAMPLE: The following are some examples of the reports that you can create:

  • Key results that have not been updated over the past 3 weeks

  • OKRs of the executive team and its members

  • OKRs with progress between 10% and 40%

Access Reports

To access your reports, perform the following:

  1. In the navigation pane click on "Reports".

  2. On the Reports page users with the "Access reports and parameters from data sources" permissions can view the Performance and Process Reports.

  3. If you click on All Reports you can see all the reports that you have created and all the reports that have been shared with you.

  4. To filter the list of Reports, use the selector in the toolbar.

Create Reports

Perform the following:

  1. In the main navigation, click Reports.

  2. Next click All Reports.

  3. On the upper-right corner locate and click Create report.

  4. A Draft will be created, you can overwrite the title by selecting Draft and typing in a new title.

  5. Choose your filter criteria. The filters are applied instantly.

Edit the title of a custom report

Perform the following:

  1. In the navigation pane, select the report whose title you want to change.

  2. In the upper-left corner, click the title of the report.

  3. Overwrite the title, by entering the new one.

Edit the filters of custom reports

Perform the following:

  1. In the navigation pane, click the report that you want to edit.

  2. Edit the filters as in the procedure above. The filters are applied instantly.

Sort custom reports

Perform the following:

  1. To sort a custom report, in the toolbar, click Sorting.

  2. Use the dropdown box to select the required sorting criteria.

  3. For each sorting criterion, choose the sorting type.
    For example, Ascending or Descending.

Edit the columns of the custom report

Perform the following:

  1. To organize the columns in a custom report in the toolbar, click Columns.

  2. Under Available columns, select or deselect the columns that you want to display or hide.

  3. Under Selected columns, use drag-and-drop to sort the order of display of the columns.

Share custom reports

You can change who has access to your custom create reports. By default, all reports that you create are private and only you can access them.

To change the privacy and the permissions for a custom report perform the following:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the page where is says Private, expand the selector.

  2. In the dropdown box, select one of the following:
    ​Private. Only you can access, Restricted. Only invited people, Everyone can access, Everyone can edit.

  3. If you have selected to restrict the custom report, an input field appears where you can invite other users. You can select whether the invited user can view or edit your report.

Clone Reports

All users can clone a Report if they can see it. Cloning can save you time from entering the same information repeatedly.

EXAMPLE: You want to have reports of all the OKRs each team has to complete this month. You can create one report, clone it, and then, in the filters, change the Owner, instead of manually creating separate Lists for each team.

To clone a List, perform the following:

  1. In the navigation pane, click the report that you want to clone.

  2. In the upper-left corner, expand the ellipses menu next to the report's title.

  3. Click Clone.

Delete custom reports

Users can delete only the custom reports they have created.

To delete a report, perform the following:

  1. In the navigation pane, select the report that you want to delete.

  2. In the upper-left corner, expand the ellipses menu next to the report title.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Confirm the deletion.

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