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Example: Automations

Learn how to set up automations using the examples in this article

Boyan Barnev avatar
Written by Boyan Barnev
Updated over 2 years ago


Quantive Results can help you save time by taking care of the mundane and repetitive tasks and by boosting the consistency, organization, and transparency of your OKR process at scale, through the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) feature.

This article contains specific use cases that you can find useful in your quest to automating the OKR process.

Notify when an objective was created without alignment

Alignment is crucial. It promotes transparency and focus and is vital for monitoring your organization's progress. This example creates automation that creates and assigns an Align your objective task to the objectives that are created without being aligned.

Perform the following:

  1. Click on Settings, then under System section click on Automation

  2. On the Automation page click on the "Create automation" button.

  3. For name, enter No alignment

  4. For description, enter Creates and assigns an “Align your objective” task to the objectives that are created without being aligned

  5. Click Create automation.

  6. Click Create new trigger.

  7. Select It will be triggered by an event.

  8. In Trigger when, select Objective then select is created

  9. Click Create trigger.

  10. Click Add condition.

  11. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Parent OKR, is, empty.

  12. Click Create condition.

  13. Click Add an action.

  14. Select Add task to.

  15. For task name, enter Align your objective

  16. For task description, enter It is important to be aligned!

  17. Next select The Objective owner.

  18. Then select Add to this objective.

  19. Click Create action.

  20. Click back to all automations.

  21. To enable the No alignment automation, click its disabled button, once clicked it will change to enabled.

  22. Create an objective without alignment.

RESULT: The Align your objective task is automatically added to the objective and assigned to the objective owner.

Anomaly detection: Sandbagging objectives

This example tags all objectives that are overperforming and sends an email to their owners.

Perform the following:

  1. Click on Settings, then under System section click on Automation

  2. On the Automation page click on the "Create automation" button.

  3. For name, enter Sandbagging

  4. Click Create automation.

  5. Click Create new trigger.

  6. Select It will be triggered by schedule.

  7. In On select Objectives

  8. In Run, select Daily.

  9. In At, select 07:00 PM.

  10. Click Create trigger.

  11. Click Add condition.

  12. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Session, is, Q1 2023.

  13. Click Add a condition.

  14. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Progress, is greater than.

  15. Enter 99

  16. Click Add a condition.

  17. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Tags, contains.

  18. Enter committed

  19. Click Create condition.

  20. Click Add an action.

  21. Select Add tags.

  22. Enter sandbagging and press ENTER.

  23. Click Create action.

  24. Click Add an action.

  25. Select Send Email.

  26. In Subject, enter Sandbagging objective:

  27. Expand Insert magic field and select Title.

  28. In content, enter Take action!

  29. Click + Add owner.

  30. Click Create action.

  31. Click back to all automations.

  32. To enable the Sandbagging automation, click its disabled button.

  33. Once clicked the button will change from disabled to enabled.

RESULT: The sandbagging tag is added to all overperforming objectives and an email is sent to their respective owners.

Spot objectives with low aggregated progress

Monitoring the aggregated progress is important when identifying which objectives and key results are lagging behind and how well the supporting objective benefits the main one. This example checks for low-performing objectives and sends an email to their owners.

Perform the following:

  1. Click on Settings, then under System section click on Automation

  2. On the Automation page click on the "Create automation" button.

  3. For name, enter Progress < 25%

  4. For description, enter Low aggregated progress

  5. Click Create automation.

  6. Click Create new trigger.

  7. Select It will be triggered by schedule.

  8. In On select Objectives

  9. In Run, select Weekly.

  10. In On, select Monday.

  11. In At, select 07:00 AM.

  12. Click Create trigger.

  13. Click Add condition.

  14. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Session, is, Q1 2023.

  15. Click Add a condition.

  16. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Aggregated progress, is lower than.

  17. Enter 25

  18. Click Create condition.

  19. Click Add an action.

  20. Select Send Email.

  21. In Subject, enter Low aggregated progress on:

  22. Expand Insert magic field and select Title.

  23. In content, enter Please review!

  24. Click + Add owner.

  25. Click Create action.

  26. Click back to all automations.

  27. To enable the Progress < 25% automation, click its disabled button.

  28. Once clicked the button will change to enabled.

RESULT: An email is sent to all owners of objectives that have aggregated progress of less than 25%.

Post a message on Slack when an objective has been modified

Consistency depends on timeliness. This example sets automation that sends you a message in a specific Slack channel, whenever an important objective has been modified or changed.

Perform the following:

  1. Click on Settings, then under System section click on Automation

  2. On the Automation page click on the "Create automation" button.

  3. For name, enter Slack notification

  4. Click Create automation.

  5. Click Create new trigger.

  6. Select It will be triggered by an event.

  7. In Trigger when, select Objective then select is edited.

  8. Click Create trigger.

  9. Click Add condition.

  10. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Session, is, Q1 2023.

  11. Click Add a condition.

  12. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Tags, contains.

  13. Enter CEO

  14. Click Create condition.

  15. Click Add an action.

  16. Select Send Slack notification.

  17. Expand Insert magic field and select Title.

  18. After the title, enter has been modified

  19. Select a Slack channel.

  20. Click Create action.

  21. Click back to all automations.

  22. To enable the Slack notification automation, click its disabled button, once clicked the button will turn to enabled.

  23. Edit an objective that is tagged with the CEO tag.

RESULT: A slack notification is posted in the selected channel letting you know when the OKR has been modified.

This example tracks all OKRs related to revenue and tags them automatically with the revenue tag. The following automation will tag all OKRs that contain revenue, MRR or churn in the objective’s name.

Perform the following:

  1. Click on Settings, then under System section click on Automation

  2. On the Automation page click on the "Create automation" button.

  3. For name, enter Track revenues

  4. For description, enter Track and tag revenue related objectives

  5. Click Create automation.

  6. Click Create new trigger.

  7. Select It will be triggered by an event.

  8. In Trigger when, select Objective then select is created.

  9. Click Create trigger.

  10. Click Add condition.

  11. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Name, contains.

  12. Enter revenue

  13. Click Add condition.

  14. Select OR.

  15. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Name, contains.

  16. Enter MRR

  17. Click Add condition.

  18. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Name, contains.

  19. Enter churn

  20. Click Create condition.

  21. Click Add an action.

  22. Select Add tags.

  23. Enter revenue and press ENTER.

  24. Click Create action.

  25. Click back to all automations.

  26. To enable the Track revenue automation, click its disabled button.

  27. Once clicked the button will turn to enabled.

  28. Create a new objective with name Skyrocket MRR.

RESULT: The objective is automatically tagged with the revenue tag.

Praise and employee for progress on an objective

This example recognizes the efforts of team members and tracks of the best performing OKRs. It tags all objectives that perform well.

Perform the following:

  1. Click on Settings, then under System section click on Automation

  2. On the Automation page click on the "Create automation" button.

  3. For name, enter Tag awesome OKRs

  4. Click Create automation.

  5. Click Create new trigger.

  6. Select It will be triggered by schedule.

  7. In Run, select Daily.

  8. In At, select 03:00 PM.

  9. Click Create trigger.

  10. Click Add condition.

  11. In the dropdown boxes, select the following: Progress, is greater than.

  12. Enter 80

  13. Click Create condition.

  14. Click Add an action.

  15. Select Add tags.

  16. Enter awesome and press ENTER.

  17. Click Create action.

  18. Click back to all automations.

  19. To enable the Tag awesome OKRs automation, click its disabled button, once
    clicked the button becomes enabled.

  20. Edit the progress of an objective, so that it is above 80%.

    RESULT: The edited objective is tagged with the awesome tag.

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