When your company's OKR process evolves, you may need to make changes to a session to reflect your OKR framework. For example, change the end date or the cadence or update the OKR methodology settings for a certain session.
To edit a session, you must be an administrator or have the appropriate permissions.
Perform the following:
In the navigation pane, under OKRs, click All sessions.
The list of all sessions appears.Expand the menu (โฎ) of the session that you want to edit.
Click Edit.
Edit the session name, timeframe, select a parent session, change cadence, color, status or add custom permissions or enable approval workflow if needed.
Users with the "Mange Sessions" Permission will also be able to access OKR Methodology Settings when editing a session. Users can change OKR Methodology Settings for the the session they are editing, any changes made to Methodology Settings will only affect the edited session.
To edit the session, follow procedure Create sessions.
When finished, click Save session.