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Reference: Quantive Results data source

Detailed description of all entities and their fields that are part of the Quantive Results data source connector

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over 4 months ago


Quantive Results reports are powered by Quantive Results data sources. In addition to the out-of-the-box reports, Quantive Results allows you to create any additional insights, displaying specific information in custom format, according to your requirements.
Find more information, see Quantive Results connection, data sources, and entities.

Following is detailed information about the content, meaning, and relation of all Quantive Results entities:


Information about all sessions in your account:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of a session

  • parentid - string
    The internal ID of the parent session. It is an empty string when there is no parent session.

  • start - date
    The start date of the session

  • end - date
    The end date of the session

  • title - string
    The name of the session

  • status - string
    The status of the session.
    Available options: open, locked, and closed.
    When the session is open, in progress, or archived, respectively.

  • workflow_reviewers - integer
    The minimum count of reviewers when approval workflow is enabled for the session.
    Available options: 1 or 2.

  • cadence_type - string
    The cadence that is set for the session.
    Available options: weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly.

  • cadence_totalcadences - integer
    The total count of cadences for this session, calculated based on its length and the cadence type.


Information about how many cadences there are in a certain session and what the period of every cadence is:

  • session_id - string
    The internal ID of the session

  • cadence_order - integer
    The order of every cadence

  • start - date
    The start date of this cadence

  • end - date
    The end date of this cadence

For more information, see OKRs cadence.


Information about all objectives in your account:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the objective

  • sessionid - string
    The ID of the session this objectives belongs to

  • name - string
    The name of the objective

  • assignee_name - string
    The name of the objective owner. This is the team name or the first and the last names of the user that is the owner of the objective.

  • assignee_type - string
    Indicates whether the objective owner is a team or an individual.
    Available options: team and user.

  • parentid - string
    The ID of the parent objective, under which this objective is aligned. It is an empty string when there is no parent objective.

  • parentgoalsessionid - string
    The ID of the session of the parent objective, under which this objective is aligned. It is an empty string when there is no parent objective.

  • datecreated - date
    The date when the objective was created.

  • dateto - date
    The end date of the objective, inherited from the session end date.

  • datefrom - date
    The start date of the objective, inherited from the session start date.

  • attainment - double
    The progress of the objective as an absolute value. If you want to turn it into a percentage, multiply the value by 100.

  • aggregatedattainment - double
    The average progress of all subobjectives of the objective in the same session. This is an absolute value. If you want to turn it into a percentage, multiply the value by 100.

  • metricscount - integer
    The total count of the key results created under this objective

  • taskscount - integer
    The total count of the tasks created under this objective

  • ownerid - string
    The internal ID of the user or team that owns the objective

  • customfields - string
    The list of all custom fields of the objective, together with their values. This is a JSON string format.

  • workflow_status - string
    The workflow status of the objective, if workflow is enabled  on session level.
    Available options: draft, inReview, and approved.

  • closedstatus_status - string
    The status of the objective.
    Available options: active and closed.

  • closedstatus_reason - string
    Contains the reasons for closing the objective.

  • fullaggregatedattainment - double
    The average progress of all objectives and their subobjectives that are aligned under this objective. This is an an absolute value. If you want to turn it into a percentage, multiply the value by 100.

  • childrenaggregatedattainment - double
    The average progress of all direct subobjectives as an absolute value. If you want to turn it into a percentage, multiply the value by 100.

  • designscore_totalpoints - integer
    The value of the design score of this objective

  • attainmenttypestring - string
    Indicates how the objective progress is calculated.
    Available options: average_kr, average_children and average_children_kr. When the average is calculated based on the key results or based on the subobjectives.

  • numberofowners - integer
    The number of owners on a goal.

  • private - bool
    Whether the goal is private or not.

  • links - string
    Okrs that are linked across sessions.


Information about the mapping between the objectives and their tags:

  • goal_id - string
    The internal ID of the objective 

  • title - string
    The title of the tag

  • name - string
    The system name of the tag


Information about all key results in your account:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the key result

  • goalid - string
    The internal ID of the objective this key results is part of

  • name - string
    The name of the key result

  • description - string
    The description of the key result

  • target - double
    The target value of the key result

  • initialvalue - double
    The initial value of the key result

  • actual - double
    The current value of the key result

  • attainment - double
    The progress of the key result as an absolute value. If you want to turn it into a percentage, multiply the value by 100

  • cascadetype - stringAvailable options: absolute_value, delta_value, or empty. When the cascaded key result's cascadetype is absolute_value, the contributing metric contributes its (actual) value. When the cascadetype is delta_value, the key result contributes its (actual - initial) value

  • links - string
    A json string representing the linked of the cascaded metric.

  • progressstatus - string
    The progress status indicator, calculated based on the current value of the key result and ideal progress, marked with dashed line on the key result progress diagram. Used for coloring the key result diagram in red or green.
    Available options: bad and good.
    Indicates whether the key result progress is below or above the ideally expected progress.

  • manualtype - string
    Shows the type of the manual key result.
    Available options: boolean, double, or empty.
    When the value is boolean, the key result is of type Achieved or not. If it is double, the key result has a numeric value as target. If it is empty, the key result is dynamic.

  • numberofowners - integer
    The number of owners this key result has.

  • softduedate - date
    The soft deadline for achieving this key result

  • duedate - date
    The hard deadline for achieving this key result

  • createdbyid - string
    The internal ID of the user who created the key result

  • ownerid - string
    The internal ID of the user or team that owns the key result

  • ownerids - string
    The internal ID of the user or team that owns the key result if there are more than 1.

  • critical - double
    The critical value of the key result. Used for key results with type Should stay above and Should stay below a certain target.

  • confidence_value - double
    The value of the confidence level of the key result. If your confidence levels are set to text or emojis, this is the upper limit value of every range.

  • targetoperator - string
    The type if the key result.
    Available options: at_least, at_most, should_stay_above, and should_stay_below.
    At_least mean that the key result type is Should increase to or Achieved or not. At_most means that the key result type is Should decrease to.

  • taskscount - integer
    The total count of the tasks created under this key result

  • insightname - string
    Used for dynamic key results only. This is the internal ID of the insight where the key results originate from.

  • fieldname - string
    Used for dynamic key results only. The field name of the metric from which the key results originate.

  • dynamic - boolean
    Indicates whether the key result is dynamic or manual.
    Available options: true and false.
    True stands for a dynamic key result.

  • datecreated - date
    The date when the key result was created

  • customfields - string
    A list of all custom fields of the objective, together with their values. This is a JSON string format.


Information about the mapping between the key results and their tags:

  • metric_id - string
    The internal ID of the key result

  • title - string
    The title of the tag

  • name - string
    The system name of the tag


Information about the key results milestones:

  • metricid - string
    The internal ID of the key result

  • date - date
    The date of the milestone

  • targetvalue - doable
    The value of the milestone


Information about all key results updates:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the update

  • createdat - date
    The date when the key result update was made

  • date - date
    The date for which the key result update was made for

  • value - string
    The key result value applied with this update

  • comment - string
    The content of the note left by the user during the update

  • confidence - double
    The confidence level value applied with this update. If the confidence levels are set to text or emojis, it is the upper limit value of every range

  • modifiedby - string
    The internal ID of the user who made the update

  • metricid - string
    The internal ID of the key result

  • attainment - double
    The absolute value of the key result progress achieved with this update. If you want to turn it into a percentage, multiply the value by 100

  • attainmentchange - double
    The absolute value of the change in this key result, achieved with this update. If you want to turn it into a percentage, multiply the value by 100

  • customfields - string
    The list of all custom fields on key result update level and their values, added by the user during the update. This is a JSON string format.

  • gif - string
    Any gifs contained in the update

  • rawcomment - String
    Comment without formatting.


Information about all teams in your account:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the team

  • name - string
    The name of the team

  • parentid - string
    The internal ID of the parent team

  • description - string
    The description of the team 

  • manager - string
    The internal ID of the employee assigned as manager of this team

  • customfields - string
    A list of all custom fields and their values created on team level in a JSON string format

  • isactive - bool
    Whether the team is active or deactivated


Information about the mapping between the teams and the their members:

  • team_id - string
    The internal ID of the team 

  • user_id - string
    The internal ID of the employee part of this team

NOTE: The team manager is not part of the mapping.


Information about all users in your account:  

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the user

  • email - string
    The email address the user

  • name - string
    The username of the user. In Quantive Results it equals to the email address.

  • firstname - string
    The first name of the user

  • lastname - sting
    The last name of the user

  • invitedby - string
    The internal ID of the user who invited this user

  • datecreated - date
    The date when the user was created. This is the first login in the platform

  • dateinvited - date
    The date when the user was invited

  • customfields - string
    The list of all custom fields and their values created for the user in a JSON string format

  • isactive - bool
    Whether the user is active or deactivated

  • isprimary - bool
    Whether the current account for the user is the Primary account or not. (Users can have multiple secondary accounts).


Information about all roles in your account:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the role

  • name - string
    The name of the role


Information about the mapping between users and their roles:

  • roleid - string
    The internal ID of the role assigned to the user 

  • userid - string
    The internal ID of the user


Information about all employees and teams owning objective, key results, and tasks:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the team or the employee

  • name - string
    The name of the team or the first and the last names of the employee

  • email - string
    The email address of the employee. It is empty, if the owner is a team.

  • color - string
    The HEX color code of the team avatar. It is empty, if the owner is an employee.

  • avatar - string
    The internal name of the symbol of the team avatar. It is empty, if the owner is an employee

  • picture - string
    The URL of the user picture

  • type - string
    Indicates whether the owner is a team or an employee.
    Available options: team and user.

  • isactive - bool
    Whether the user is active or deactivated


Information about all tasks in your account:

  • name - string
    The name of the task

  • externalid - string
    Used only if the task is a Jira task. The URL of the Jira issue that is linked to the Quantive Results task.

  • externalsystem - string
    Indicates if the task is coming from Jira.
    Available options: jira or empty.

  • description - string
    The description of the task

  • status - string
    The status of the task.
    Available options: To Do, In Progress, and Done.

  • priority - integer
    The priority of the task

  • parentid - string
    The internal ID of the objective that task belongs to

  • ownerid - string
    The internal ID of the team or user owning the task

  • tasktype - string
    The type of the Jira issue, linked to this task

  • parenttype - string
    The type of the parent object that the task belongs to.
    Available options: goal, metric and empty.
    This indicates whether the task is attached to objective, key result or is a stand alone task.

  • datecreated - date
    The date when the task was created

  • duedate - date
    The due date when the task should be completed

  • customfields - string
    A list of all custom fields and their values created for the task in a JSON string format

  • archived - bool
    Whether the tasks is archived status or not.

  • id - string
    Object Id of the task


Information about all tasks updates:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the update

  • taskid - string
    The internal ID of the task

  • previouslymodifiedat - date
    The date of the previous update of the task

  • oldstatus - string
    The status of the task before the update

  • newstatus - string
    The status to which the task is changed to

  • modifiedby - string
    The internal ID of the user who made the update

  • modifiedat - date
    The date when the task update was made


Information about all custom fields created in your account:

  • _id - string
    The internal ID of the custom field

  • label - string
    The label of the custom field, the name used to display it on the UI

  • description - string
    The description of the custom field

  • name - string
    The internal name of the filed, used in the Data Base

  • type - string
    The type of data of the custom field values
    Available options: string, []string, date, and float64.

  • visualizationkind - string
    Indicates how values of the custom field are displayed
    Available options: gtmhub.text, gtmhub.textarea,, gtmhub.multiselect, gtmhub.datepicker, gtmhub.selectassignee, gtmhub.numeric

  • filterable - boolean
    Specifies if the field can be used for filtering queries.

  • datecreated - date
    The date when the custom field was created

  • lastmodified - date
    The date of the last modification of the custom field

  • targettypes - array
    Shows to which item this custom filed applies to
    Availavle options: goal, metric, metric_snapshot, task, user, team

  • targetids - array

    List the session IDs to which the custom field applies. It is available for targettypes goal, metric and metric_snapshot

  • settings - string
    Keeps the predefined values and the validation if the custom field is required.

  • tooltip - string
    The explanatory information that helps the end user get the main context behind the custom field, used in the UI as a tooltip

  • isprivate - boolean
    Specifies if the custom field is visible

  • pluginversionid - string
    The pluginVersionId if the custom field is used a plugin


Information about the Check-ins setup:

  • id - string
    The integrnal ID of the Check-ins settings

  • teamid - string
    The internal team ID to which this Check-ins relates to

  • reflectionsenabled - boolean
    Inficate if the Check-in is enabled

  • notificationsenabled - boolean
    Indicates if reminder notifications for this Check-ins are enabled

  • notificationsday - string
    The day of the week when the reminder is sent


Information about the completed Check-ins:

  • id - string
    The internal ID of the Check-in

  • teamid - string
    The integnal team ID this Check-in refers to

  • createdat - date

    The date when the Check-in was created

  • answers - string
    Contains all answers to the defined questions in a json format

  • notesv2 - string
    Contains all answers to notes, like blockers, wins, etc. in a json format

  • mood - integer
    Indicates the selected feeling/face emoji
    Availav=ble options: 0, 1, 2, 3
    0 means no reaction, 1 - sad face, 2 - neutral face, 3 - happy face

  • settings - string
    Keep information is the mood and notes are enabled for this Check-in

  • updatedat - date
    The date of the last update of the Check-in

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