Once you've created an insightboard in Quantive Results, you can quickly navigate and complete certain actions by using the keyboard shortcuts.
How do I find what keyboard shortcuts I can use?
The shortcuts in insightboards correspond to the main actions you can complete in an insightboard and can be viewed by clicking on the Ellipsis (three dots) menu in the top left of the page next to the insightboard Title:
By clicking the respective letter on your computer keyboard, you will activate the desired action.
List of all keyboard shortcuts and their actions
E - Edit or Re-arrange - Activates the re-arranging function in the insightboard. You will be able to resize, clone and move the insights, as well as access the insight code editor and edit the insights.
A - Add insights - A list of all available insights is opened where you can select which insights to add to the insightboard.
C - Create new insight - A pop-up window opens where you can add a title and a description of the new insight. Afterwards you will be able to access the insight editor.
D - Title and permissions - Allows you to rename the insightboard's title and edit the permissions.
T - Tags - Enables you to add tags to the insightboard.
M - Cast mode (TV) - Opens or closes the Cast Mode (TV) which will hide the header of the insightboard and will widen the insights for better visibility.
To learn how you can organize your insightboards by using tags and setting custom permissions, check out this article.