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Excel Online

Here's how to connect your Excel Online spreadsheets to Quantive to use real time data in Insights and to power dynamic Key Results.

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over 9 months ago

Microsoft Excel Online is a Web-based application that allows users to create, update and modify spreadsheets and share the data live online.

How to connect

If you intend to set up the connection using a service account, you may need to log in to Quantive as the service account before completing the steps below. It may be helpful to use a different browser or an Incognito/Private Browsing window.

  • In Quantive, navigate to Settings > Data Sources screen

  • Click the Select data source button

  • From the Choose a connector dialog, select the Files tab and then Excel Online

Give your connection a name. This will be the name of the connection you see in Quantive.

Paste Site URL. When creating a connection you grant Quantive Results access to Excel Online spreadsheets in a specific Site in your Sharepoint account. If you want to grant access to more than one Site, you need to create multiple Excel Online connections - one for each Site.

Once a connection is created, users who have permissions to add data sources will be able to see all spreadsheets in the connected Site and can add them as a data source.

Once you grant the necessary permissions to read data from your account you will be asked to define who will be eligible to administrate the connection in Results:

Next you will be able to choose the spreadsheet you want to pull data from. Choose the folder where the spreadsheet is filed.

Note that when you select the spreadsheet you will be presented with a list of sheets inside the spreadsheet to choose from as your data source.

For example, here we have an Excel Online spreadsheet with two tabs: For Quantive and Summary.

You can select the Excel Online tab name as the data source.

Give your data source a name and then choose its sync schedule.

Finally define permissions who will be able to see and use the information in this entity to create insights and automate KRs and KPIs:

Now you are ready to write Insights based on the data fetched from Excel Online files. Learn more about how to create Insights here.


Every change that is made in a file stored in any of Microsoft’s online storage solutions will be reflected through their API and Quantive's connector after 3-5 minutes.

If you make a change to your spreadsheet, wait 5-10 minutes after the last change to the file and re-sync. If the change involved changing a column heading or adding/deleting a column, you can check for a schema change and update the schema as necessary.

For files stored in SharePoint document collections, the account that you set up the connection with must be a member of the site to see the file. Sharing a specific file with the user account will not display the file in the selection list if the user does not also have access to the site that contains the document.

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