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Quantive App for Jira Server

This article provides information on how to install the Quantive app for JIRA Server.

Boyan Barnev avatar
Written by Boyan Barnev
Updated over 8 months ago


Quantive provides both Jira Cloud and Jira Server apps for enhancing your Jira experience by integrating OKRs tracking in your JIRA issues.

This article provides information on how to install the Quantive app for JIRA Server. The app is called OKRs for Jira by Quantive.


The application has the following features:

  • Tracking the progress of the linked Quantive Objectives in your Jira issues - Stories, Bugs, Features, Epics etc.

  • Tracking the Jira issues updates of summary, description, status, and assignees

  • Apply Jira issue updates to the linked Quantive tasks.
    A task in Quantive is an artifact that represents a unit of work that should be done to achieve an objective. Therefore, Jira issues are represented as a Quantive tasks. The app provides two-way synchronization between Jira issues and Quantive tasks.


You must have a running Jira account.

You have whitelisted the Quantive Results REST API and Authentication domains. For more information see Whitelisting OKRs for Jira by Quantive | Quantive Help Center.


In the Atlassian Marketplace, go to OKRs for Jira by Quantive and install it.


To configure Jira, perform the following:

In Quantive Results:

  1. In the bottom of the left navigation pane, click Settings.

  2. Under the Integrations tab, click on Jira.

  3. Click on Jira Server App Configuration.

  4. Fill in your domain address and click on "Create Application" to create an app to be used for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) flow.

  5. The following fields will appear once you create the app - Account ID, Data center, Client ID, and Client Secret. Copy the content of each field and paste it into Jira.

If you have more than one domain and you want to configure the app for multiple domains, click on "+Add domain", fill in your domain and click on "Save".

In Jira:

  1. Navigate to your Jira account.

  2. Click On Settings and select the Manage Apps option.

  3. Select the Quantive Plugin Settings option from the left-side navigation.

  4. Configure the plugin with the details you copied from your Quantive Results account.

NOTE: If you are seeing an error It seems that you do not have permission to view OKRs on the Quantive Plugin Settings page

Then you must configure the plugin permissions for specific Jira groups. Refer your Jira admin to the Jira plugin permissions article for more information on configuring the View OKRs permission.


Open a Jira issue and, from the Quantive OKRs panel, link it to a Quantive objective.

Afterwards, you are able to:

  • Follow the Quantive objective progress from within your Jira Cloud application

  • Follow the Jira issues progress from within your Quantive account.

Users without "Access OKRs" permissions in Quantive Results cannot access the Quantive app in Jira. If a user has "Access OKRs" permission but does not have "Manage OKRs", they can view linked OKRs but cannot link or unlink them themselves.


I Cannot See OKRs after clicking Quantive Application in Jira Task/Epic.

If you are clicking the Quantive application on a Jira task/epic and do not see a list of OKRs, please check for any ad blockers or cookie blocking settings in your browser.

You can find an article on whitelisting here

Chrome cookie settings.

  • Settings --> Privacy and Security --> Cookies and other Site Data -->

    • If "Allow all Cookies" is not enabled you can add an exception for your Jira instance here. Click on "Sites that can always use cookies" and click add.

    • Add your JIRA URL here and select the box for "Including third-party cookies on this site".

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