Quantive Results allows you to award badges to your teammates, so their efforts are being recognized.
By awarding your teammates with badges, you demonstrate high-level of engagement and recognition.
First you create the badge, then you can award it to someone. You can award badges to a one or more employees or teams.
For more information, see Create badges.
NOTE: To award badges to other users you will need “Award badges” permissions. If you do not have user role permissions to “Mange badges”, when you award a badge to somebody else it will first go for approval by someone in your organization that is either and admin or has “Manage badges” permissions.
To approved badges, you must have a system role: “admin” or have a custom role with “Manage badges” permissions included.
Award badges
Perform the following:
In the navigation pane, click on Settings.
Under the Users section, Click Badges.
Choose a badge to award and click its + Award badge to link.
In Who should receive this badge?, enter the name of the employee or team that you want to award the badge.
Select as many employees or teams, as required.In Leave a comment and award, you can comment on the award.
In Notify, you can choose the employees who you want to notify for the award.
In the Drop down menu you can choose between Do not send notifications, Send to everyone or Send to selected people. If you Choose Send to selected people, click the Add people link, select one or more users, and click Select user(s).
The awarded person or team is automatically added to the notification list.Click Award badge.
Approve badges
If your role does not have permissions to manage badges, you can still award them, but your badge award will go through approval by the administrator, or a user with “Manage badges” before being awarded.
After you click Award badge the badge will appear in the approval tab of the badge administrator.
To approve badges, perform the following:
In the navigation pane, click on Settings.
Under the Users section, Click Badges.
In the toolbar, click the Approve badges tab.
All awarded badges appear.Click the Approve or Reject.
Confirm your selection.
When you or any of your teammates are being rewarded a badge, you receive a notification.