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Aggregated progress of objectives

Learn what aggregated progress means and how it is calculated

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago


Quantive Results uses the aggregated progress metric to calculate the cumulative progress of the OKRs.

NOTE: If you are not seeing your aggregated progress dropdown menu, this very well might be due to the fact that you are not using the Scale or Enterprise Quantive plans.
The Aggregated progress of objectives is available only for those two.

Aggregated progress is the average progress of all sub-objectives that are aligned under a particular objective.

This metric allows you to:

  • Track the cumulative progress of the OKRs in your organization.

  • Identify which objectives and key results are lagging behind.

  • Analyze what causes the OKR progress to underperform.

  • Understand how well the supporting objectives contribute to the main one


To calculate the aggregated progress, Quantive Results uses the following metrics:

  • Key result attainment
    This is the progress of an individual key result in percentages.

    EXAMPLE: If the key result is to increase sales from 0 to 10. If the key result is at 5, this makes the key result attainment 50%.

  • Objective attainment
    This is the average of the attainment of all key results of the objective. It is calculated by summing up the individual key results' attainment percentages and dividing it by the total number of the assigned key results.

    EXAMPLE: If the objective has two key results and one of them has attainment of 75% and the other – 25%, the Objective attainment is 50%.

  • Aligned sub-objectives
    These are all sub-objectives that are aligned under an objective. They include all levels of alignment – the sub-objectives of the sub-objectives are also included.

    EXAMPLE: If an objective has two objectives directly aligned under it and the first sub-objective has another two objectives aligned under it, the total number of aligned sub-objectives of the top objective is four – two on the first level and two on the second, excluding the top objective.

Aggregated progress calculation

The aggregated progress equals the sum of the objective attainment of all aligned sub-objectives, divided by the number of aligned sub-objectives.


In the following example, there are 5 objectives. Objectives 2 and 3 are aligned under Objective 1, Objectives 4 and 5 are aligned under Objective 3.

The goal is to calculate the Aggregate progress of Objective 1.

Objective 1 (KR 1.1 – 20%, KR 1.2 – 40%)
Objective attainment: (20% + 40%)/2 = 30%
Aggregate progress: (35% + 5% + 0% + 70%)/4 = 27.5%

-----Objective 2 (KR 2.1 – 45%, KR 2.2 – 25%)
-----Objective attainment: (45% + 25%)/2 = 35%

-----Objective 3 (KR 3.1 – 10%, KR 3.2 – 0%)
-----Objective attainment: (10% + 0%)/2 = 5%
-----Aggregate progress: (0% + 70%)/2 = 35%

----------Objective 4 (KR 4.1 – 0%, KR 4.2 – 0%)
----------Objective attainment: (0% + 0%)/2 = 0%

----------Objective 5 (KR 5.1 – 80%, KR 5.2 – 60%)
----------Objective attainment: (80% + 60%)/2 = 70%

In this example:

Aligned sub-objectives

  • The number of Aligned sub-objectives of Objective 1 are 4 - Objectives 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • The number of Aligned sub-objectives of Objective 3 are 2 - Objectives 4 and 5.

Objective attainment: The Objective attainment of the objectives is based only on their key results attainment and is the following:

  • Objective 1: 50%

  • Objective 2: 35%

  • Objective 3: 5%

  • Objective 4: 0%

  • Objective 5: 70%

Aggregate progress: The aggregate progress can be calculated only for objectives that have sub-objectives – in this case, Objective 1 and Objective 3.
It is the following:

  • Objective 1: The sum of the Objective attainment of Objectives 2,3, 4 and 5, divided by 4.
    The Aggregate progress is (35% + 5% + 0% + 70%)/4 = 27.5%

  • Objective 3: The sum of the Objective attainment of Objectives 4 and 5, divided by 2.
    The Aggregate progress is (0% + 70%)/2 = 35%


There is no guarantee that the execution of child objectives will result in the execution for the parent objective. In such case, you should inspect the possible causes. It may be the case that the child objectives are not as helpful in supporting the parent objective.

When both objective attainment and aggregate progress are low, you must examine the causes for this. Typically, this signals that the team has lost focus on the objective.

Aggregated progress is applied only to a specific session and its parent session. It cannot be applied to sibling sessions. For example, the aggregated progress for Q1 2019 and the aggregated progress for Q2 2019 are not directly related to each other, although their parent session is Annual 2019.

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