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Filter and sort objectives

Learn how to find objectives in the objectives grid, using filtering, sorting, and searching

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago


To make it easier to navigate and access the information you need, you can use different filtering, searching, and sorting options available in the OKRs grid. You can narrow your focus to specific owners and parameters with the filter, sort, and search functionality.

You can apply filters, sort, and search OKRs in a particular session.

To open the OKRs grid of a session, perform the following:

  1. In the navigation pane, under OKRs, click All sessions.

  2. Click the session where you want to find OKRs.

Filter OKRs

To filter OKRs, in the toolbar, click Filter.

In case you do not see the filtering options you would like to use, click on "Add Filter" to see all available options:

  • Filter by objective owner
    Filter the objectives by their owner.
    In the field, choose whether you want to filter by a particular employee, particular team, or a particular team and all of its members.
    After you select the desired entry, the OKRs list will automatically refresh.

  • Filter by KR owner
    Filter the objectives by the owner of their key results.
    In the field, choose whether you want to filter by a particular employee or a particular team. After you select the desired entry, the OKRs list will automatically refresh.

  • Filter by Tag
    Filter by the tag or tags that an objective has been tagged with.
    Enter the tag by which you want to filter and press ENTER. You can filter

    by a single tag or enter in multiple tags at once.

  • By Progress
    Filter by the progress of an objective.
    Select the filter Progress from "Add filter" enter whether progress is measured as

    equals to, is not equal to, greater than or is lower than then enter the numeric field.

  • By Last updated
    Filter by the date of the last update of the objectives. Choose whether the date is before, is after, is between, is not between or never. Then choose a date range and the OKRs list will automatically refresh.

  • By OKR-design score
    Filter by the OKR-design score of an objective. Choose whether the design score equals to, is not equal to, is greater than, or is lower than.
    Select the filter criterion, enter the value, and the OKRs list will automatically refresh.

AND/OR Clause with Filters

Our filters do support AND/OR clauses. Vertically adding fields to filter will be the AND clause. Horizontally adding items to a field will be an OR clause

Example - this filter will only show Objectives with BOTH of the tags CEO and HR.

Clear filters

To clear a filter, click on the Filters button and then click on the bin icon next to the filter you would like to remove.

Sort objectives

To sort the grid, click Sorting. In case you do not see the sorting options you would like to use, click on the drop down to see all available options.

Search objectives

To search for an objective in the grid, perform the following:

  1. Click on the Search bar at the top right of your page.

  2. From the drop down menu, select OKRs as your searchable item.

  3. Enter the name, the owner, or the description of the objective.
    The search results appear instantly.

  4. Click on the objective to open it up and view its details.

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