Quantive Results allows you to export OKR-related data to an Excel file.
From Quantive Results, you can export the following:
List of the OKRs of a session and their key results, together with all details.
List of the OKRs of team members, together with their key results and attainment rates.
The plan of the account is Enterprise.
Your account admin has enabled the New OKR module and filtering feature for your user or the entire account.
Users have the Admin or User role assigned (or 'Manage OKRs' global permission enabled if the role is custom).
Export OKRs per session
Perform the following:
In the navigation pane, under OKRs, click All sessions.
Click the session whose OKRs you want to export.
In the toolbar, click on Export to Excel.
Click Export to Excel.
The Excel file is created. It contains the following:
The list of objectives together with its attributes
The key results of the objectives, together with their attributes.