The plan of the account is Enterprise.
Users have the Admin or User role assigned (or 'Manage OKRs' global permission enabled if the role is custom).
Users with assigned 'View-only' role can access OKR views shared with them but can't create/edit OKR views.
Create, share, edit, and delete OKR views
2. Click on the button 'Save as OKR view' to save an OKR view
3. When you click on 'Save as an OKR view' a pop-up appears where you can add the name of the OKR view
4. After creating the OKR view you can share it with other users in your organization using the sharing menu options.
5. When an OKR view is shared using the 'Invited only' option the invited users will be notified with an email and in-app notification unless they have disabled the sharing notifications
6. You can also favorite the view, clone it, export the OKRs to Excel or delete it
7. After applying additional filters to the view you can select to save the changes to the current view or save them as a new OKR view
Quick filters
Begin by selecting a "Session" and an "Objective Owner" from the available selectors.
Use the "More" section to select any additional filters, excluding text fields such as OKR name, description, or text area custom fields, along with date-picker fields (created, last updated, date-picker custom fields) and numeric custom fields.
Utilize the quick filter search to find any string value, which will then return results across all search fields.
Note that all filters operate together with an "AND" type of relationship.
As you switch to the advanced filter, understand that your previously applied filters will also transition along.
Be aware that by transitioning to the advanced filter, any existing search results will be disregarded.
If you start viewing an OKR with filters that could be obtained through the Quick Filter, these filters will appear as applied, and the corresponding selectors will be displayed in the bar, showing an applied filter’s presence.
If you start from an OKR View with filters that could NOT be obtained with the Quick Filter, then the Advanced Filter sidebar will open automatically.
Applied filters will persist per user if they have saved an OKR view.
Expect that the results from your OKR filtering will go through a permission check: if you don’t have permissions to view OKRs within a session, you will not be able to display those OKRs.
Advanced Filters
Begin your filtering process in Quick Filter. When you switch to Advanced Filter later, the system will carry over the applied parameters.
Advanced Filter will provide you with more options, allowing access to all standard and custom fields, including text, date-picker and numeric fields.
Note that you can combine multiple criteria in the Advanced Filter using both AND and OR logic for much more targeted results.
Some filters can be applied multiple times, depending on specific filter acceptance criteria.
Save the filters you've applied as an OKR view for future reference or repeated use.
The Reset button is present to revert the filter to either the initial session or the saved OKR view. Take note that it depends on which one the user started from.
Bear in mind on the OKR Grid Page Redesign, that the results from your OKR filtering will undergo a permission check—if you don’t have permissions to view OKRs within a session, these will not be visible.
Accessing all OKR views
To access all OKR views click on the OKRs menu in the left navigation and then the 'OKR views' secondary section
In the table, you'll see all OKR views created by you or shared with you
You can use filters/sorting to easily find OKR views