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Home: My OKRs widget

Details on what information is shown and how in the My OKRs widget on the Home Dashboard and on the OKRs page in a team profile.

Written by Sonya Vrabcheva
Updated over 10 months ago


The My OKRs widget gives you a quick overview and access to OKRs that you and your teams own whether you own the whole OKR or only part of it. By organizing the OKRs by the sessions they are a part of, you can more easily find what is relevant to you but you can also access key insights with the OKR progress summaries for each session. Alternatively, you can organize your OKRs based on whether one of your teams or you yourself own the whole or part of it.

NOTE: You need to have Access OKRs permission to see the My OKRs widget.


If you own (individually or as part of a team) either a part of an OKR or a whole OKR, in both cases you will still see an Objective with all of its KRs in the My OKRs widget. This way, you will not lose the context of all the work being done to achieve a particular Objective.

OKRs details

For each Objective, the following information is available in the widget:

  • Owner - hover on the user chip to see the name of the team or user

  • Progress - the current progress in % is shown, as well as the delta for the past 14 days

For each key result, the following information is available in the widget:

  • Confidence level

  • Owner - hover on the user chip to see the name of the team or user

  • Progress - the current progress in % is shown, as well as the delta for the past 14 days

View OKR details

Click on the Objective or KR title to open the details view of that Objective or KR.

NOTE: If you make any changes to the Objective or KR in the details view that would reflect on what is shown in the My OKRs widget or how OKRs are ordered, to see these changes, you will need to refresh the Home page.

Session progress summary

The session summary works only when the grouping in the My OKRs widget is by Session.

To get some additional information on the OKR progress in a certain session, click on the "Show summary" button to the right of the expanded session.

A graph appears that shows you the average OKR progress for three different categories:

  • Me - your personally owned OKRs (you individually are an owner of an Objective). If there are no such OKRs in that session, the "Me" category will not show in the graph.

  • My teams - a team you are a part of owns an Objective. If there are no such OKRs in that session, the "My Teams" category will not show in the graph.

  • Company - all OKRs in that session owned by anyone in the company

If you have permission to see Reports and you are not a view-only user, you will see a "View session progress" link. This will load the "Performance report" for that specific session.

Grouping and sorting

The OKRs in the My OKRs widget can be grouped by Ownership or by Session and the OKRs within each section can be then sorted by relevance or alphabetically. To change these settings, click on the button in the top right corner of the widget next to the ellipsis menu.

When changes are made to the grouping or sorting of the OKRs in the My OKRs widget, these changes are persisted until the user changes them again. These changes are applied only to the My OKRs widget and not to the OKRs in the OKRs tab of a team profile.

1. View OKRs by Ownership

Only sessions that are currently running and have not been archived can appear in this widget.

Group Order

When grouping by Ownership, the first section show is always the "Me" section under which all OKRs that the user owns individually (partially or fully) appear. The following sections are the names of the teams to which the user belongs and these are ordered alphabetically. If the team does not own any OKRs (fully or partially), that team's section will simply not appear in the widget.

Sorting of OKRs

OKRs within the "Me" and my teams' sections are ordered based on the selected sorting for the widget. The sorting options are by relevance, alphabetically A-Z or alphabetically Z-A.

Sorting by relevance

OKRs within the "Me" section or a team's section are ordered by advanced ownership using a few criteria in order to show what is most relevant to you first. The ordering starts from the top and if there are ties between OKRs, the second criterion is looked at, and so on.

  1. Objective ownership priority

    1. Personal - you as a user own an Objective alone

    2. Shared (personal + my team) - you as a user own an Objective but a team you are a part of owns this Objective as well

    3. Shared (personal + other) - you as a user own an Objective together with a team you are not a part of or together with other users

    4. Team - one of your teams owns an Objective alone

    5. Shared (team + other) - your team owns an Objective together with a team you are not a part of or together with other users

    6. No ownership - you or your team do not own the Objective but you own at least one KR for that Objective

  2. Key Result priority

    1. By number of owned items

      1. "Me" section - the number of KRs you own personally

      2. Team's section - the number of KRs the team (the same team under whose section you are) owns

    2. Alphabetical order

2. View OKRs by Sessions

Only sessions that are currently running and have not been archived can appear in this widget.

Session order

Sessions are ordered by a few criteria in order to show what is most relevant to you first:

  1. Soonest end date

  2. From shortest to longest session timeframe

  3. Number of owned OKRs in a session where there is no difference between personal vs. team ownership or whether you own an Objective or a key result. Each of these counts as one owned OKR.

Collapse and expand a session

By default, only the first session in the widget is expanded and the rest are collapsed. You can expand or collapse a session by clicking on the row of the session.

Number of owned OKRs in a session

Next to the name of each session, you can see a number in a circle. This number indicates how many OKRs you and your teams own in this session. If you expand a session, you will see the same number of OKRs as indicated next to the session name.

Sorting of OKRs

OKRs within the "Me" and my teams' sections are ordered based on the selected sorting for the widget. The sorting options are by relevance, alphabetically A-Z or alphabetically Z-A.

Sorting by relevance

OKRs within a session are ordered by advanced ownership using a few criteria in order to show what is most relevant to you first. The ordering starts from the top and if there are ties between OKRs, the second criterion is looked at, and so on.

  1. Objective ownership priority

    1. Personal - you as a user own an Objective alone

    2. Shared (personal + my team) - you as a user own an Objective but a team you are a part of owns this Objective as well

    3. Shared (personal + other) - you as a user own an Objective together with a team you are not a part of or together with other users

    4. Team - one of your teams owns an Objective alone

    5. Shared (team + other) - your team owns an Objective together with a team you are not a part of or together with other users

    6. No ownership - you or your team do not own the Objective but you own at least one KR for that Objective

  2. Key Result priority

    1. By number of owned items - it does not matter if you own a KR personally or as part of a team and it does not matter whether you own that KR alone or the ownership is shared with others

    2. Alphabetical order

OKRs section in a team profile

The same visualization as in the My OKRs widget is shown in the OKRs section of the team profile. The differences are described below.

When changes are made to the grouping or sorting of the OKRs in the OKRs tab in a team profile, these changes are persisted on all team profiles until the user changes them again. These changes are applied only to OKRs page in the team profiles and not to the OKRs in the My OKRs widget on the Home Dashboard.

When grouping by Session and sorting by Relevance:

  • If that particular team or any member of the team (including the manager) owns an Objective or a KR in a running session (not archived), we show the whole OKR.

  • The sorting of the OKRs in a session is slightly different when looking at the Objective owners than it is for the My OKRs widget:

    1. Team is the only owner

    2. Shared (team + other owners)

      1. Team + team members - a higher number of team members owning the Objective takes priority

      2. Team + others

    3. Team members (with or without other owners) - a higher number of team members owning the Objective takes priority

    4. No Objective ownership - the team/ team members own only KRs and not an Objective

When grouping by Ownership and sorting by Relevance:

  • Team's section

    • If that particular team owns an Objective or a KR in a running session (not archived), we show the whole OKR.

    • The sorting of the OKRs is slightly different when looking at the Objective owners than it is in the My OKRs widget:

      1. Team is the only owner - the team whose team profile is being viewed

      2. Shared (team + team members)

        1. Team + team members - a higher number of team members owning the Objective takes priority

        2. Team + others

      3. Team members (with or without other owners)

      4. No Objective Ownership - the team owns only KRs and not an Objective

  • Team member's section

    • If that particular team member owns an Objective or a KR in a running session (not archived), we show the whole OKR.

    • The sorting of the OKRs is slightly different when looking at the Objective owners than it is in the My OKRs widget:

      1. Team member is the only owner - only the team member whose section is being viewed is the owner of the Objective

      2. Shared (team member + team) - the team member whose section is being viewed owns the Objective together with the team whose profile is being viewed.

      3. Shared (team member + others) - the team member whose section is being viewed owns the Objective together with other teams than the one whose profile is being viewed or with other users.

      4. Team is the only owner - the team whose profile is being viewed is the only owner

      5. Shared (team + others) - the team whose profile is being viewed owns the Objective together with another team or other users

      6. No Objective ownership - the team member owns only KRs and not an Objective

NOTE: If you do not have Access OKRs permission, you will not see the OKRs section in the team profile.

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