Determine the time zone

Learn how to determine which timezone is respected when creating or editing sessions, OKRs, and key results

Neli Ivanova avatar
Written by Neli Ivanova
Updated over a week ago


This article explains how time zones are set and modified when you create or edit sessions, OKRs, and key results.

For example, if you set the session's end date to the first day of each month, you should make sure that on the last day of the month, the session does not end, because of time zone differences.

Time zones for your Quantive Results account are automatically set based on the time zone you have set on your PC.

Additional information

Session time zone

  • Create a session
    When you create a new session, it automatically inherits your current time zone.

    EXAMPLE: If your time zone is UTC+1, then the session’s time frame will be set in this time zone. This means that the account’s current time zone for this specific session is also UTC+1. Thus, the session’s deadline will be at 23:59:59 UTC+1 on the specified day.

  • Edit a session
    When you edit an existing session, it automatically inherits your time zone, regardless of the time zone of the user who created the session.

    EXAMPLE: If you make any changes to the session and your time zone is UTC+5:30, the time zone of the session automatically changes to UTC+5:30. Thus, the session’s deadline will be changed to 23:59:59 UTC+5:30 on the specified day.

OKRs time zone

If you do not specify anything other, when creating an OKR, it automatically inherits the session’s time frame and time zone.

If you edit a session and if your time zone is different than the one of the user who created it, both the session’s and the OKRs’ time zones change to your time zone.

Key results time zone

When you create or edit the key results' hard deadline, it is automatically set to your time zone.

For more information, see Key result deadlines.

Account time zone

The session time zone and time frame are not related to the account time zone settings. The account time zone applies to the reports and the reminders that are being sent.

You will need to manually set the time zone for your OKR update reminders and your

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